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Take our survey

Help us improve our library and outreach services

This survey is focusing on our outlying areas. 

  • What do you like about our library services?
  • Are there any barriers or limitations?
  • Share your ideas for how we can improve.

 Please tell us what you type of programs, activities and services you may like to be available and how they might be delivered e.g., in branch, at various community locations and/or virtually.

0% answered


If you live more than 20 minutes from a local library, are there any barriers that prevent you from attending library programs?

* required
Check all that apply

If library programs and activities were offered at non-library venues e.g., in local community spaces in your village/town would you to attend? 

* required

What types of programs would encourage you to use the library service?
Select your top 5. 

* required
Check all that apply

How do you feel about your library service and what it offers to you and the community?