Affordable Housing in the Coffs Harbour LGA

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Consultation has concluded

Image of a weatherboard white house with a bright blue sky above

Housing affordability is an issue for many moderate and low income households within the Coffs Harbour LGA as this region has been experiencing increasing land and property costs, significantly outpacing wages growth and housing stock availability.

The Affordable Housing in Coffs Harbour Issues and Options Paper 2020 has been prepared to highlight key housing affordability issues that exist in the Coffs Harbour LGA and to outline policy positions and examples undertaken by government at all levels to address this issue.

The Issues and Options Paper presents a series of planning and policy options that this Council could pursue. These options include developing a new Council policy, better utilisation of the NSW Government's planning framework, education and promotion of existing incentives and advocacy and collaboration with the NSW Government.

Public exhibition of this Issues and Options Paper alongside the draft Residential Chapter of the Coffs Harbour LGMS and the Short Term Rental Accommodation Issues and Options Paper is intended to stimulate discussion among the community about the issue.

Council is interested in hearing your thoughts on which policy or planning options it should investigate or pursue during this exhibition period.

Housing affordability is an issue for many moderate and low income households within the Coffs Harbour LGA as this region has been experiencing increasing land and property costs, significantly outpacing wages growth and housing stock availability.

The Affordable Housing in Coffs Harbour Issues and Options Paper 2020 has been prepared to highlight key housing affordability issues that exist in the Coffs Harbour LGA and to outline policy positions and examples undertaken by government at all levels to address this issue.

The Issues and Options Paper presents a series of planning and policy options that this Council could pursue. These options include developing a new Council policy, better utilisation of the NSW Government's planning framework, education and promotion of existing incentives and advocacy and collaboration with the NSW Government.

Public exhibition of this Issues and Options Paper alongside the draft Residential Chapter of the Coffs Harbour LGMS and the Short Term Rental Accommodation Issues and Options Paper is intended to stimulate discussion among the community about the issue.

Council is interested in hearing your thoughts on which policy or planning options it should investigate or pursue during this exhibition period.