Amended planning controls for Argyll Estate precinct
Consultation has concluded

Public exhibition has closed and amendments have been adopted
Coffs Harbour City Council is proposing changes to its planning rules to enable the re-development of land within the Argyll Estate precinct for a range of medium-density residential development. The Argyll Estate Precinct planning area is shown on a map in the Document Library.
The proposed changes were on public exhibition from 17 August until 14 September. Council considered the proposed amendments and submissions received at its meeting of 14 December 2023 and resolved to finalise the LEP amendment and adopt the DCP amendment. The LEP amendment was made the NSWContinue reading
Public exhibition has closed and amendments have been adopted
Coffs Harbour City Council is proposing changes to its planning rules to enable the re-development of land within the Argyll Estate precinct for a range of medium-density residential development. The Argyll Estate Precinct planning area is shown on a map in the Document Library.
The proposed changes were on public exhibition from 17 August until 14 September. Council considered the proposed amendments and submissions received at its meeting of 14 December 2023 and resolved to finalise the LEP amendment and adopt the DCP amendment. The LEP amendment was made the NSW Government on 25 January 2024 and is in effect from 2 February. The DCP amendment came into effect on 12 February 2024. Following exhibition and changes to the proposed LEP amendment, the draft Contributions Plan was not put to Council for adoption.
Council's proposed changes
Council has resolved to initiate an amendment to Coffs Harbour Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2013 to facilitate the re-development of land within the Argyll Estate Precinct for a range of medium-density residential development. The proposed amendment to the LEP includes changes to the zoning of part of the area from low density residential to medium density residential. The amendment would also allow development of dual occupancies on lots less than 800 square metres in parts of the area and would also introduce special flood considerations to the assessment of development applications.
Consideration of flooding has been a key part of deciding whether the Argyll Estate precinct is suitable for increased residential development. The area proposed for medium density housing has avoided the most flood-prone parts of the area. It would also be a requirement that the floor level of all new dwellings is at the level of the probable maximum flood to ensure habitable areas of dwellings are not subject to flooding and to allow residents to shelter in their homes during flood events. The flood study conducted has shown that new development would not increase flood levels in the area.
Council has also resolved to publicly exhibit a draft amendment to Coffs Harbour Development Control Plan (DCP) 2015 and draft Argyll Estate Precinct Contributions Plan. The draft amendment to DCP 2015 is intended to provide detailed development controls that aim to achieve development in the Argyll Estate Precinct that is responsive to its site and context, that contributes to the public realm and that adequately responds to natural hazards. The draft Contributions Plan is intended to identify infrastructure that will support additional residential population in the Argyll Estate Precinct, and to identify financial contributions that can be levied from future development to pay for that infrastructure.
In preparing the draft LEP amendment, draft DCP amendment and draft Contributions Plan, the project team carefully reviewed the community’s feedback received during early consultation along with the findings of a number of technical studies.
Gateway Determination and local plan making authority
On 23 June 2022 the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) issued a Gateway Determination advising that the Planning Proposal could proceed subject to conditions. The Gateway Determination and DPE's letter to Council are in the Document Library. The Minister has not designated Council as the local plan making authority for this Planning Proposal.
Public exhibition and consultation
The proposed LEP amendment, DCP amendment and draft Contributions Plan were on public exhibition from 9.00am Wednesday 17 August 2022 to 5.00pm Wednesday 14 September 2022. Any person was able to review the documents and make a submission during this period. The documents are available to view under the 'Document Library' and 'Important Links' on this page.
The period to make submissions is now closed.
Adopted planning controls for Argyll Estate Precinct
At its meeting of 14 December 2023 Council resolved to finalise the amendment to Coffs Harbour LEP 2013 and adopt the amendment to Coffs Harbour DCP 2015. The LEP amendment and the DCP amendment are now in effect and can be viewed on the CIty of Coffs Harbour's website
Public exhibition
Amended planning controls for Argyll Estate precinct has finished this stageDraft documents are available for review and comment.
Review of submissions
Amended planning controls for Argyll Estate precinct has finished this stageTwelve submissions were received. Council considered the matters raised and made some changes to the proposed planning controls in response. The summary of matters raised in submissions and the CIty of Coffs Harbour's response are outlined in the report to Council's 14 December 2023 meeting which is available to view on the CIty's website
Consideration by Council
Amended planning controls for Argyll Estate precinct has finished this stageThe outcomes of exhibition and consultation were reported to Council on 14 December 2023e. This included a summary of all submissions received as well as an outline of how feedback was taken into account. The report is available to view in the agenda of the 14 December 2023 Council meeting which can be accessed on the City's website
Planning controls adopted and in effect
Amended planning controls for Argyll Estate precinct is currently at this stageThe planning controls were adopted by COuncil at its 14 December 2023 meeting and are now in effect. The LEP and DCP can be viewed on the CIty's website
Document Library
LEP Amendment (Planning Proposal PP-2022-1968 Argyll Estate Precinct) (5.75 MB) (pdf)
Argyll Estate Precinct planning area boundary (328 KB) (jpg)
Draft Amendment to DCP 2015- Amendment no. 34 Argyll Estate Precinct (419 KB) (pdf)
Draft Argyll Estate Precinct Contributions Plan (1.9 MB) (pdf)
Planning Proposal Appendices 3-10: supporting information, reports, etc.
Acoustic report (5.48 MB) (pdf)
Real property description of all lots in investigation area (120 KB) (pdf)
Bushfire study report (5.91 MB) (pdf)
Flood Impact Assessment (75.1 MB) (pdf)
Flood Risk Assessment (22.1 MB) (pdf)
Flora and Fauna Assessment (8.96 MB) (pdf)
Traffic and Transport Assessment Report (18.8 MB) (pdf)
Urban Design Report (74.1 MB) (pdf)
Round 1 Community Consultation Outcomes Report (32.3 MB) (pdf)
FACT SHEET Argyll Estate Precinct renewal project (752 KB) (pdf)
NSW Land and Housing Corporation letter to Council 100822 - Argyll Estate (127 KB) (pdf)
Gateway determination 23 June 2022 (95.1 KB) (PDF)
Gateway determination - letter to Council (85.5 KB) (PDF)