What are the options for City Hill Northern and Southern site portions?

    The City Hill Scoping Project Revised Site Analysis identifies a number of options available to Council as the land owner, depending on the extent and type of development that may be envisaged at the site.

    The northern portion is zoned special purpose which generally restricts possible land uses to those within the “community facilities” definition.  This area is further restricted by the Commonwealth covenant, all of which will need to be considered within the context of the native vegetation that is present, and the implications of developing on bushfire prone land.

    As a consequence, suggested options for this area include site sensitive or lower scale ancillary or complementary community, cultural, environmental and open space-related uses that generally retain and enhance the existing environmental attributes, whilst supporting the existing use activities on the site. 

    The southern portion of the City Hill site has a comparatively smaller number of development restrictions, albeit parts of this portion remain heavily constrained.  The medium density residential zoning allows for a range of possible uses including residential, community, cultural, education and recreation facilities. This zone does not allow “entertainment facilities”.

    As a consequence, there are a limited number of options that may be pursued for the southern portion of the site, given the extent of the current site constraints and consultation feedback that the Commonwealth covenant should be honoured.

    What is the scope of future planning for City Hill City Hill?

    In considering the scope of future planning for City Hill the following steps were recommended in the City Hill Scoping Project Revised Site Analysis:

    • Continue to review the available information relating to the site with respect to current planning practice, rectifying inaccuracies in applicable mapping wherever possible.
    • In the context of broader community and cultural facility planning processes, consider the potential for the role of the City Hill site in the delivery of a Cultural Collections Facility
    • Undertake more detailed concept or master planning of the site based on the outcomes of the above, with a view to retaining the site for future community and cultural needs, including necessary environmental studies to understand the extent and significance of constraints based on preferred land use scenarios.

    In regard to the delivery of a Cultural Collections Facility, it should be noted that this is currently being advanced as part of an integrated corporate storage facility.

    What is the history of the project and next steps?

    At the 11 May 2017 Council meeting, it was resolved to allocate $75,000 to "undertake studies, concept designs and preliminary budgets associated with the cultural development at City Hill.  The same Council resolution determined the scope of the co-located library, regional gallery, customer service area, Council Chambers and Council staff office accommodation within a Cultural and Civic precinct within the CBD.

    In response to the Council resolution, investigative work commenced in order to establish options for concept designs and preliminary budgets associated with cultural development at City Hill.  

    The key studies and related planning processes include:

    1. City Hill Stakeholder engagement
    2. City Hill Site Analysis
    3. Broad City Hill Development History
    4. Final Issues & Options Analysis for Performing Arts Spaces (indoor and outdoor) Stage 2a) 
    5. Final Community Facilities (includes Cultural Facilities) Plan 

    Council at its Ordinary Meeting of 12 December 2019 resolved to note the final City Hill Scoping Project Site Analysis and place the Site Analysis on public exhibition, with a further report presented to Council in relation to the preferred use options once the broader Community and Cultural Facility planning process and Issues and Options Discussion Paper for Performing Arts Space (Indoor and Outdoor) had been finalised.

    The City Hill Scoping Project Site Analysis was placed on public exhibition between 18 December 2019 and 3 March 2020 and four information and consultation sessions were held. Forty written submissions were received within the timeframe. The submissions have been reviewed and considered in the City Hill Scoping Project Revised Site Analysis.

    The City Hill Scoping Project Revised Site Analysis was considered and adopted by Council at its 26 November 2020 Meeting. This Site Analysis provides an overview of the site development history, consideration of land uses, and future development options for both the northern and southern portions of the City Hill site.

    Why was there a revised site analysis report?

    Council decided to place the Final City Hill Scoping Project Site Analysis on public exhibition to include the broader Community and Cultural Facility planning process and Issues and Options Discussion Paper for Performing Arts Space (Indoor and Outdoor) which had simultaneous consultation occurring.

    The City Hill Scoping Project Revised Site Analysis considers the context of both performing art spaces and community and cultural facilities projects in the revised site analysis.

    How does this project relate to the Community and Cultural Facilities Plan?

    The findings, analysis and recommendations from the City Hill Site Analysis and Scoping project informed the information and analysis from the broader Community and Cultural Facility planning project for the Local Government Area (LGA).  This plan will guide the strategic planning and priorities Council owned and managed social and cultural infrastructure across the LGA.

    Is this project related to the Cultural and Civic Space?

    This is a separate project to the Cultural and Civic Space project.

    The Cultural and Civic Space will be a central hub for residents and visitors in Coffs Harbour within the City Centre Master Plan area. The development will house larger and improved cultural facilities including the library, gallery and museum.