30 November 2020

SSDA approved

December 2020

80% Detailed Design

October → December 2020

Site Demolition

June 2020

50% Detailed Design

50% design is an important stage in a project of this size, a mid-point in the design process which provides a solid base for the project to develop on. It’s also a key milestone for keeping project costs on track and in budget.

March 2020

Appointment of ECI Builder

ECI Builder, or Early Contract Involvement builder is a method of construction contracting which allows a builder to become substantially involved in the design of a project.

The benefits of bringing a builder on at this early stage means:

  • Construction smarts are designed into the building

  • The design can be built for a lower cost

August 2019 → August 2020

Detailed Design and DA Submission

13 February 2020

Council Approved Project Tenders and DA

Council approved the tenders for Project Manager, Head Design Consultant and Cost Manager. The demolition DA for 23-31 Gordon Street was also approved.

June 2019

Schematic Design

Schematic design and preparation for development application
May 2019

Preliminary Schematic Design released

Public release of the draft building design
11 July 2019

Council Decision to Proceed

At the 11 July 2019 Council meeting it was resolved that the Cultural and Civic Space Project would proceed to Detailed Design and Construction
11 July 2019

Council Meeting 5pm - All welcome

Consideration of Schematic Design report and progression
March 2019

Project Principles released

These six project principles will underpin the decision making throughout the process of schematic design.
January 2019

BVN Architects engaged to undertake Schematic Design of the new building

13 September 2018

Council Meeting 5pm - All welcome

Consideration of resources to expedite the project. See Project updates for details. 

June 2018

Council Meeting - Project endorsed to move to Schematic Design phase

Council endorsed the Cultural & Civic Space project to progress to the next stage of schematic design at its meeting on 14th June 2018.
February → March 2018

3 Concept Designs on display for comment and stakeholder presentations

November 2017

Request for Quote issued for Architectural Design Services for 3 Concept Designs

October 2017

Project Manager for Concept Development and Business Case Appointed

May 2017

Precinct Analysis and Scope Endorsed by Council

The Precinct Analysis identified mixed and additional civic use investigations for the 23-31 Gordon Street site as resolved by Council in June 2016.

The recommendations to Council included confirming a Cultural and Civic Precinct in the CBD and adopt a revised scope for the Cultural and Civic space project to include a new central library, regional gallery, customer service, Council Chambers and Council staff office accommodation.

These recommendations were endorsed by the City Centre Masterplan Committee and the Library Gallery Planning Advisory Group. Council endorsed the revised scope and precinct analysis at the 11th May 2017 Council meeting.

At the same meeting the Council also resolved to commit $75,000 project to undertake studies and concept designs and preliminary budgets associated with the cultural development at City Hill. Further information on this project will be made available when the project plan has been completed.

February 2017

Creative Coffs - Cultural Strategic Plan 2017-2022 Finalised

Council has demonstrated a long-standing commitment to the vitality of the cultural life of the Local Government Area (LGA). A new Cultural Policy and a Creative Coffs - Cultural Strategic Plan 2017- 2022 was Stage 1 of a two stage cultural strategic planning process.

The new Policy and Plan have been endorsed by Council and our Cultural Reference Group. It provides a framework to guide the strategic direction, investment and outcomes of cultural and creative development in the LGA.

Strategy 2.4 of the Plan is key to this project "Plan for and construct an upgraded Harry Bailey Memorial Library, Coffs Harbour Regional Gallery and digital/co-working space at 23-31 Gordon St and Riding Lane as the core of a Cultural and Civic Precinct."
June 2016

Site Selection - 23-31 Gordon Street, Coffs Harbour

The Library and Gallery Planning Advisory Group (LGPAG) and Council project team undertook an assessment of eleven sites for a new central library and regional gallery in the central business district (CBD).

A site analysis was undertaken of the top three ranked sites via selection criteria, site visits and advice from professional staff.

The recommended site for further concept planning and detailed research for a new central library and regional gallery was 23-31 Gordon Street, Coffs Harbour.

The LGPAG recommended that Council:

• Consider this site as a key civic precinct and urban renewal opportunity whilst not losing the momentum behind developing an urgently needed new library and regional gallery.

• Investigate additional options to maximise the use of this important central CBD site, to further activate the site and precinct and to offset the ongoing operating costs of the library and gallery facilities.

• Undertake a precinct analysis that includes identifying activation opportunities and pedestrian access to and surrounding the 23-31 Gordon Street site
November 2015

Research and concept planning for a new central Library and Regional Gallery commences

In November 2015, Council resolved to proceed with research and planning for a new central library and regional gallery.

The Council report noted that the size of the Harry Bailey Memorial Library is insufficient as a central library for the current and future community which it serves. The size of the current central library is 960m2, including both public and staff areas, representing less than 40% of the benchmark figure.

It also noted that the Regional Gallery was inadequate for a display of a number of art forms and for the workshops, events and other facilities typically offered by a regional gallery. An expanded Gallery would be expected to have both community, cultural and tourism (economic) benefits. The size of the CHRG (including work areas, office and storage) is 280m2.

The report also noted that the co-location of the facilities will be actively considered and the sites to be considered will be within the CBD area.
December 2014

Engagement Results regarding Cultural Facilities tabled to Council

A report to Council outlined the outcomes of the community engagement regarding the provision of cultural facilities in Coffs Harbour. Council noted the results of the survey regarding the support for the provision of cultural facilities at this time.

Council resolved that further action in relation to the provision of a new central library, a new regional gallery and a performance space be undertaken once Council’s financial sustainability strategy for the ongoing renewal and maintenance of infrastructure assets was finalised.
08 August 2019

Council Meeting 5pm - All welcome

Recommencement of 25th July adjourned meeting
March 2013

Coffs Harbour City Centre Masterplan 2031 outlines centralised cultural focus

During the community engagement for the development of the City Centre Masterplan 2031 the community supported further development of the idea for a centralised cultural focus for the City Centre.

This plan was adopted by Council in March 2013.

A key objective in the plan notes "several strategic sites will be targeted to deliver a new cultural, entertainment and civic building which may be located separately or multi-functionally according to funding and commercial opportunities. Preference will be given to locating these community assets as close to the City Square as possible subject to delivery the highest level of community benefit."