Cultural & Civic Space Project Update – June 2019
Thank you for your feedback
The 10th May 2019 saw the launch of the public display of the draft Schematic Design drawings and principles for the Cultural and Civic Space. We had displays available for public viewing at 5 permanent sites and also had pop up displays at Coffs Central, Toormina & Moonee Shopping Centres. Many people came to have a chat, ask questions and provide feedback.
In the months prior to the launch, Council and BVN Architecture have been working with Focus groups and individuals to gain an understanding the differing wants and needs for the building. During this period we held over 30 meetings.
Channels for public feedback were available from the 10 – 31st May and we thank everyone for providing valuable feedback, thoughts and suggestions. These have been combined together in a report that will go to the Council and will be available for public viewing.
Council to consider report 11th July 2019
Council will consider further information, reports, options and recommendations for the progression of the project at the Council meeting on Thursday 11th July. The council meeting starts at 5pm at the Council Chambers. The meeting is open to the public and all are welcome to attend.
If you have any queries about the project please contact us via this page.
Visit our Current Projects Yarrila Place Project City website for regular updates.