Official Building Naming Process Brings Light to Yarrila Place
At Council’s meeting on 9 September it was resolved to officially name the Cultural and Civic Space building Yarrila Place. Yarrila is a Gumbaynggirr word that means “illuminate / brighten / light up / illustrate”. This resolution was supported by all Councillors.
Pronounced Yarrila (YAA-rila), the name was chosen as it speaks to Coffs’ bright future and the “illumination” and enjoyment of knowledge, arts and heritage and bringing the creativity of our community to light. The chosen name also hints at the light reflected from the ceramic foils of the building itself and the integrated skylight which brightens the internal atrium with natural light.
The community consultation/engagement process undertaken showed a very clear desire by the Coffs community to use Gumbaynggirr language for the name.
Coffs Harbour City Council Mayor Councillor Denise Knight said she was proud that is what the Coffs community pushed for and totally unprompted.
“This result makes us all enormously proud of the Coffs community. We said we wanted reconciliation to be at the heart of this building and this will help us along that path.
“We are inspired by the Gumbaynggirr people here on the Coffs Coast, the community brings such a richness to our experience of life and learning. And this name is perfect in the sense that it will shine a light on their culture even more.”
From the workshops and other sources of data compiled by local firm saso.creative it was clear the name needed to encompass notions of learning, community, creativity and identity, and that a name of Gumbaynggirr origin would be highly regarded.
Visit our Current Projects Yarrila Place Project City website for regular updates.