The consultation period for this project has now closed. A report is being prepared for Council.
Please note that this project is not part of the NSW Government's current Jetty Foreshores Project which will be undertaken east of the railway line.

Coffs Harbour City Council has recently engaged consultancy firm King and Campbell to develop a draft Coffs Jetty Strip Streetscape Plan to provide design direction for the future of the Coffs Jetty Strip.

The much anticipated 3D Flythrough animation – can be viewed on THIS LINK this link.
To view the documents prepared by King and Campbell includingContinue reading
The consultation period for this project has now closed. A report is being prepared for Council.
Please note that this project is not part of the NSW Government's current Jetty Foreshores Project which will be undertaken east of the railway line.

Coffs Harbour City Council has recently engaged consultancy firm King and Campbell to develop a draft Coffs Jetty Strip Streetscape Plan to provide design direction for the future of the Coffs Jetty Strip.

The much anticipated 3D Flythrough animation – can be viewed on THIS LINK this link.
To view the documents prepared by King and Campbell including the Draft Urban Design Report for Coffs Jetty Strip Streetscape please use this link, all plans are included at the end of the report. To view the plans only you can use this link.
Due to COVID restrictions, we are unfortunately unable to hold an information day to involve the community, subsequently we are looking at alternative ways to reach people for feedback, and the Have Your Say page will be our main form of consultation in the current situation. To assist us in our endeavours lead consultant David Tooby from King and Campbell has created a video presentation of the project to present to the community, running through the design process. To view this presentation use this link.
This project has been initiated by Council’s adoption of the Local Growth Management Strategy – Chapters 1 to 4, and development interests on several key sites along the Jetty Strip on Harbour Drive. This includes looking at the space between private property and public road reserve, and how it can be better used for the public and strengthen the connection to the Jetty Foreshores.
This project will focus on place to develop a streetscape design for the community. This place based approach will focus not only on the streetscape, public realm, pedestrian and cycle connectivity through this area and to the Jetty Foreshores, but also connecting the missing visual link down to the harbour itself. The consultants have already consulted with Council, Councillors, several key stakeholders and adjoining landowners to reach an understanding of the needs and functionality of the streetscape to inform the design of this project.
Earlier this year a design charrette process was held at Council and was offered to directly adjoinging landowners or their nominated representative who would be affected by any works or changes to the space. This was an intesive process that involved interpreting a series of intricate studies, plans and sections to provide insight to, so it could be incorporated into the design process.
This project has been steadily progressing and the consultants have produced a document set incorporating feedback from the attendees of the charrette day into their design, and have now prepared a series of documents, visual imagery, video presentation and 3D fly through to exhibit to the wider community.
Make a submission
You can make a written submission on the DRAFT Coffs Jetty Strip Streetscape Plan, before close of business 30 June 2020, by:
- Online Submission (see below);
- Post - addressed to the General Manager, Locked Bag 155, Coffs Harbour 2450; and
- Email -