Planning Proposal and Draft DCP Amendments: Braford Drive and Irvines Road, Bonville
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Consultation has concluded
The exhibition period for this project has now closed. The outcome of the exhibition will be reported to Council at a future meeting.
This Planning Proposal (PP) facilitates an amendment to Coffs Harbour Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2013 to permit Large Lot Residential development on two properties located at Braford Drive and Irvines Road, Bonville. The intent of this Planning Proposal is to correct mapping errors which have occurred on the two properties, following the rezoning of the wider Bonville Lot Residential Investigation Area on 19 May 2017. It is also proposed to amend maps contained within Coffs Harbour Development Control Plan (DCP) 2015 which relate to this PP. The documents which have been exhibited are:
Coffs Harbour Development Control Plan (DCP) 2015 – draft map amendments (front setback map, side and rear setback map, preservation of vegetation map). The Coffs Harbour Development Control Plan (DCP) 2015 proposed DCP mapping amendments can also be viewed on this link.
This project also includes relevant background documents such as environmental assessments which inform the Planning Proposal, including the Council Report, Council Minute and the Gateway Determination. All relevant documents are available to view in the document library.
The exhibition period for this project has now closed. The outcome of the exhibition will be reported to Council at a future meeting.
This Planning Proposal (PP) facilitates an amendment to Coffs Harbour Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2013 to permit Large Lot Residential development on two properties located at Braford Drive and Irvines Road, Bonville. The intent of this Planning Proposal is to correct mapping errors which have occurred on the two properties, following the rezoning of the wider Bonville Lot Residential Investigation Area on 19 May 2017. It is also proposed to amend maps contained within Coffs Harbour Development Control Plan (DCP) 2015 which relate to this PP. The documents which have been exhibited are:
Coffs Harbour Development Control Plan (DCP) 2015 – draft map amendments (front setback map, side and rear setback map, preservation of vegetation map). The Coffs Harbour Development Control Plan (DCP) 2015 proposed DCP mapping amendments can also be viewed on this link.
This project also includes relevant background documents such as environmental assessments which inform the Planning Proposal, including the Council Report, Council Minute and the Gateway Determination. All relevant documents are available to view in the document library.