Planning Proposal (PP_2018_COFFS_002_00) to Reclassify Lot 2 DP 579023, 50 Minorie Drive, Toormina from Community to Operational Land
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Consultation has concluded
At its Ordinary meeting of 12 July 2018, Council resolved to exhibit a Planning Proposal (PP_2018_COFFS_002_00) that will update Part 1 (Land classified, or reclassified, as operational land—no interests changed) of Schedule 4 (Classification and reclassification of public land) of the Coffs Harbour Local Environmental Plan 2013 in order to reclassify Lot 2 DP 579023, 50 Minorie Drive, Toormina from Community to Operational land. The exhibition period ran from 5 September - 3 October 2018. The exhibition period for this project has now closed. The outcome of the exhibition will be reported to Council at a future meeting.
PUBLIC HEARING on Wednesday 31 October 2018: Pursuant to Section 29 of the Local Government Act 1993 and Schedule 1 Clause 4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, aPublic Hearing will be held in relation to the Planning Proposal for the reclassification of the Toormina Pre-School. Council welcomes you to attend the Public Hearing to express your views concerning the reclassification. The Public Hearing commences at 5 pm, on Wednesday 31 October 2018 at Coffs Harbour City Council Chambers, Corner Coff and Castle Streets Coffs Harbour. An independent facilitator will conduct the hearing.
At its Ordinary meeting of 12 July 2018, Council resolved to exhibit a Planning Proposal (PP_2018_COFFS_002_00) that will update Part 1 (Land classified, or reclassified, as operational land—no interests changed) of Schedule 4 (Classification and reclassification of public land) of the Coffs Harbour Local Environmental Plan 2013 in order to reclassify Lot 2 DP 579023, 50 Minorie Drive, Toormina from Community to Operational land. The exhibition period ran from 5 September - 3 October 2018. The exhibition period for this project has now closed. The outcome of the exhibition will be reported to Council at a future meeting.
PUBLIC HEARING on Wednesday 31 October 2018: Pursuant to Section 29 of the Local Government Act 1993 and Schedule 1 Clause 4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, aPublic Hearing will be held in relation to the Planning Proposal for the reclassification of the Toormina Pre-School. Council welcomes you to attend the Public Hearing to express your views concerning the reclassification. The Public Hearing commences at 5 pm, on Wednesday 31 October 2018 at Coffs Harbour City Council Chambers, Corner Coff and Castle Streets Coffs Harbour. An independent facilitator will conduct the hearing.