North Wall Car Park Upgrade Project

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Consultation has concluded

Enhanced public recreation, protection of the foreshores and improved parking and accessibility are key benefits of the car park upgrade project at North Wall Foreshores.

Visitors and local residents are now enjoying the new beachfront lawn recreation space, the views, the extra parking and the accessibility throughout the site, with the recent completion of North Wall Car Park Upgrade.

Works were scheduled to avoid impacts on the busy Easter and NSW School Holidays as much as possible, and with Covid19 Restrictions and Lockdowns experienced across the nation, accessibility to large, open air recreation areas has been treasured..

North Wall public car park was relocated, reconfigured and upgraded to reclaim priceless recreation space for the community, provide more car parks and improve accessibility, in a $1.33 million project financed by the Australian Government and Coffs Harbour City Council.

Landscaping, picnic facilities, seating, new shower and dog wash area, new shared pathways and other improvements provide an enhanced recreational area with clear sightlines to the beach and the Solitary Islands.

The previous North Wall car park, north of Marina Drive provided only 20 car spaces. Redesign and relocation of the car park slightly west of the foreshore enabled public parking to be increased from 20 spaces to a total of 63 spaces, including accessible parking.

Underground power is also be provided, along with a formalised vendor site, to support activities in the enhanced recreation space.

Council appreciates the input and support throughout the project planning and construction, from the numerous commercial licensees supporting community and visitor activities in the North Wall Foreshore and Jetty Foreshores areas. They include: surf schools, fitness classes, sports competitions, major sports and social events, Jetty Markets, the annual Christmas/New Year carnival and various food and drink vendor operations. The North Wall Foreshore project enhances experiences for these activities and services.

The project is jointly-funded by Council and by the Australian Government through a $600,000 Local Roads Community Infrastructure Program Grant from the Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications.

Key Project Benefits include:

  • Protection of the North Wall Foreshore
  • Increase parking from 20 spaces to 63 spaces
  • Provide accessible parking and accessible pathway links
  • Enhance the North Wall Foreshore landscape and visitor experience
  • Reclamation of valuable foreshore land for passive and active community recreation
  • Attract and cater for additional tourist visitation to the area
  • Improve drainage
  • Provision of underground power infrastructure for events.

Enquiries: Please contact the Project Liaison Officer, Damon Leach, phone 66484406, or email to:

* Note: This project is not part of the NSW Government project planning for the remainder of Jetty Foreshores land east of the railway line.

Visitors and local residents are now enjoying the new beachfront lawn recreation space, the views, the extra parking and the accessibility throughout the site, with the recent completion of North Wall Car Park Upgrade.

Works were scheduled to avoid impacts on the busy Easter and NSW School Holidays as much as possible, and with Covid19 Restrictions and Lockdowns experienced across the nation, accessibility to large, open air recreation areas has been treasured..

North Wall public car park was relocated, reconfigured and upgraded to reclaim priceless recreation space for the community, provide more car parks and improve accessibility, in a $1.33 million project financed by the Australian Government and Coffs Harbour City Council.

Landscaping, picnic facilities, seating, new shower and dog wash area, new shared pathways and other improvements provide an enhanced recreational area with clear sightlines to the beach and the Solitary Islands.

The previous North Wall car park, north of Marina Drive provided only 20 car spaces. Redesign and relocation of the car park slightly west of the foreshore enabled public parking to be increased from 20 spaces to a total of 63 spaces, including accessible parking.

Underground power is also be provided, along with a formalised vendor site, to support activities in the enhanced recreation space.

Council appreciates the input and support throughout the project planning and construction, from the numerous commercial licensees supporting community and visitor activities in the North Wall Foreshore and Jetty Foreshores areas. They include: surf schools, fitness classes, sports competitions, major sports and social events, Jetty Markets, the annual Christmas/New Year carnival and various food and drink vendor operations. The North Wall Foreshore project enhances experiences for these activities and services.

The project is jointly-funded by Council and by the Australian Government through a $600,000 Local Roads Community Infrastructure Program Grant from the Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications.

Key Project Benefits include:

  • Protection of the North Wall Foreshore
  • Increase parking from 20 spaces to 63 spaces
  • Provide accessible parking and accessible pathway links
  • Enhance the North Wall Foreshore landscape and visitor experience
  • Reclamation of valuable foreshore land for passive and active community recreation
  • Attract and cater for additional tourist visitation to the area
  • Improve drainage
  • Provision of underground power infrastructure for events.

Enquiries: Please contact the Project Liaison Officer, Damon Leach, phone 66484406, or email to:

* Note: This project is not part of the NSW Government project planning for the remainder of Jetty Foreshores land east of the railway line.

Consultation has concluded

Please log your questions here. Council will respond as soon as possible.

  • Share Has the local Aboriginal Community Elders/Representatives been included in the design and planning of the foreshore precinct? on Facebook Share Has the local Aboriginal Community Elders/Representatives been included in the design and planning of the foreshore precinct? on Twitter Share Has the local Aboriginal Community Elders/Representatives been included in the design and planning of the foreshore precinct? on Linkedin Email Has the local Aboriginal Community Elders/Representatives been included in the design and planning of the foreshore precinct? link

    Has the local Aboriginal Community Elders/Representatives been included in the design and planning of the foreshore precinct?

    Local asked almost 4 years ago

    Hi Local. Yes. The concept designs for the North Wall Car Park Upgrade were forwarded to the Coffs Harbour and District Local Aboriginal Land Council and the Yandaarra Aboriginal Advisory Committee for review and comment, prior to finalisation of the designs.

  • Share Has this design been future proofed (and what discussions have taken place) to allow for access through the railway land owning to best utilise the current roundabout as the safest method for traffic both in and out of the new carpark? This design (and the current carpark) has a separate in and out access point that further adds risk and traffic interaction in an already busy area with pedestrians and other road users on Facebook Share Has this design been future proofed (and what discussions have taken place) to allow for access through the railway land owning to best utilise the current roundabout as the safest method for traffic both in and out of the new carpark? This design (and the current carpark) has a separate in and out access point that further adds risk and traffic interaction in an already busy area with pedestrians and other road users on Twitter Share Has this design been future proofed (and what discussions have taken place) to allow for access through the railway land owning to best utilise the current roundabout as the safest method for traffic both in and out of the new carpark? This design (and the current carpark) has a separate in and out access point that further adds risk and traffic interaction in an already busy area with pedestrians and other road users on Linkedin Email Has this design been future proofed (and what discussions have taken place) to allow for access through the railway land owning to best utilise the current roundabout as the safest method for traffic both in and out of the new carpark? This design (and the current carpark) has a separate in and out access point that further adds risk and traffic interaction in an already busy area with pedestrians and other road users link

    Has this design been future proofed (and what discussions have taken place) to allow for access through the railway land owning to best utilise the current roundabout as the safest method for traffic both in and out of the new carpark? This design (and the current carpark) has a separate in and out access point that further adds risk and traffic interaction in an already busy area with pedestrians and other road users

    CH asked almost 4 years ago

    Thank you for your question CH. The car park design and traffic management gives consideration to the traffic movements and needs of the site, and has been designed with input from NSW Police, traffic engineer and approved by the Coffs Harbour Traffic Committee, which includes representatives of emergency services. Council does not manage the railway land.

  • Share We need more car parks were people can sit in there cars to watch the ocean are all those trees going to be cut down for visibility. If not 100% will not increase tourists. They come here to see our beaches. Our locals love to park by the ocean. And will there be dsp parking? on Facebook Share We need more car parks were people can sit in there cars to watch the ocean are all those trees going to be cut down for visibility. If not 100% will not increase tourists. They come here to see our beaches. Our locals love to park by the ocean. And will there be dsp parking? on Twitter Share We need more car parks were people can sit in there cars to watch the ocean are all those trees going to be cut down for visibility. If not 100% will not increase tourists. They come here to see our beaches. Our locals love to park by the ocean. And will there be dsp parking? on Linkedin Email We need more car parks were people can sit in there cars to watch the ocean are all those trees going to be cut down for visibility. If not 100% will not increase tourists. They come here to see our beaches. Our locals love to park by the ocean. And will there be dsp parking? link

    We need more car parks were people can sit in there cars to watch the ocean are all those trees going to be cut down for visibility. If not 100% will not increase tourists. They come here to see our beaches. Our locals love to park by the ocean. And will there be dsp parking?

    Lindy asked about 4 years ago

    Hi Lindy.The Coffs Harbour Local Government Area offers numerous locations where people can sit in their vehicles to watch the ocean. There is abundant parking with views at the southern side of the Harbour, offering views from car parks facing the Harbour and also at Gallows Beach, facing the ocean. The North Wall Car Park is being relocated and expanded, to include two dedicated accessible car parking spaces and additional general parking. Relocation opens the foreshore up for passive recreation so that more people - tourists and locals - may enjoy the ocean views from that particular location. A small number of trees are to be removed and there will be compensatory replanting to replace them.

  • Share Just a quick suggestion team, but maybe the little table positioned next to the shower could be repositioned to the northern side so gear stays dry in the prevailing northerly winds (overspray from the shower in our north-easterlies is substantial...) and so that towels etc are further away from dogs that shake water and sand off. Cheers on Facebook Share Just a quick suggestion team, but maybe the little table positioned next to the shower could be repositioned to the northern side so gear stays dry in the prevailing northerly winds (overspray from the shower in our north-easterlies is substantial...) and so that towels etc are further away from dogs that shake water and sand off. Cheers on Twitter Share Just a quick suggestion team, but maybe the little table positioned next to the shower could be repositioned to the northern side so gear stays dry in the prevailing northerly winds (overspray from the shower in our north-easterlies is substantial...) and so that towels etc are further away from dogs that shake water and sand off. Cheers on Linkedin Email Just a quick suggestion team, but maybe the little table positioned next to the shower could be repositioned to the northern side so gear stays dry in the prevailing northerly winds (overspray from the shower in our north-easterlies is substantial...) and so that towels etc are further away from dogs that shake water and sand off. Cheers link

    Just a quick suggestion team, but maybe the little table positioned next to the shower could be repositioned to the northern side so gear stays dry in the prevailing northerly winds (overspray from the shower in our north-easterlies is substantial...) and so that towels etc are further away from dogs that shake water and sand off. Cheers

    AdventureAndy asked about 4 years ago

    Thank you, Andy. I will advise the Team re consideration of prevailing winds - while N/E and S/E winds are prevailing winds in Spring and Summer, North Wall beach is a preferred swimming/surfing location in a Southerly wind, as the wall provides protection for the ocean. 

  • Share I have been parking in and driving past the North Wall Carpark at least weekly for over 40 years. It is, and has long been, a place where many people pull in for a quick look at the water while sitting in their car. These people are all ages and types from young surfers to the very elderly who cannot get out of the car and all those in between. The proposed changes appear to totally prohibit this activity as the water would not be visible while seated in a car in the carpark. If this is the case then what can be done to maintain this activity that we have enjoyed for many decades and is very important to many? on Facebook Share I have been parking in and driving past the North Wall Carpark at least weekly for over 40 years. It is, and has long been, a place where many people pull in for a quick look at the water while sitting in their car. These people are all ages and types from young surfers to the very elderly who cannot get out of the car and all those in between. The proposed changes appear to totally prohibit this activity as the water would not be visible while seated in a car in the carpark. If this is the case then what can be done to maintain this activity that we have enjoyed for many decades and is very important to many? on Twitter Share I have been parking in and driving past the North Wall Carpark at least weekly for over 40 years. It is, and has long been, a place where many people pull in for a quick look at the water while sitting in their car. These people are all ages and types from young surfers to the very elderly who cannot get out of the car and all those in between. The proposed changes appear to totally prohibit this activity as the water would not be visible while seated in a car in the carpark. If this is the case then what can be done to maintain this activity that we have enjoyed for many decades and is very important to many? on Linkedin Email I have been parking in and driving past the North Wall Carpark at least weekly for over 40 years. It is, and has long been, a place where many people pull in for a quick look at the water while sitting in their car. These people are all ages and types from young surfers to the very elderly who cannot get out of the car and all those in between. The proposed changes appear to totally prohibit this activity as the water would not be visible while seated in a car in the carpark. If this is the case then what can be done to maintain this activity that we have enjoyed for many decades and is very important to many? link

    I have been parking in and driving past the North Wall Carpark at least weekly for over 40 years. It is, and has long been, a place where many people pull in for a quick look at the water while sitting in their car. These people are all ages and types from young surfers to the very elderly who cannot get out of the car and all those in between. The proposed changes appear to totally prohibit this activity as the water would not be visible while seated in a car in the carpark. If this is the case then what can be done to maintain this activity that we have enjoyed for many decades and is very important to many?

    Terry asked about 4 years ago

    Hi Terry. Thank you for your question.

    Under the NSW Local Government Act 1993, Council is required, as Crowns Lands Reserve Manager to: Maintain the foreshore area as a transition area between the aquatic and the terrestrial environment, and to protect all functions associated with the foreshore’s role as a transition area, and; to facilitate the ecologically sustainable use of the foreshore, and to mitigate the impact on the foreshore by community use

    While it is recognised that the existing small car park serves as a viewing location, this is for a small number of vehicles only. The new car park will provide additional parking, including parking for people with a disability. By relocating the car park, we open up that foreshore area to be more accessible to a greater number of people to enjoy the views and participate in recreational activities. 

    Four new short-term car parking spaces are proposed in the Concept Design, on Marina Drive and close to the North Wall for quick surf checks of the North Wall conditions.

  • Share Is is possible to have all the cars, in the car park, whose lights could be seen from Muttonbird Island or the area between Muttonbird Island and birds that could be flying overhead from Muttonbird Island, prevented from having their lights seen by the Shearwaters? on Facebook Share Is is possible to have all the cars, in the car park, whose lights could be seen from Muttonbird Island or the area between Muttonbird Island and birds that could be flying overhead from Muttonbird Island, prevented from having their lights seen by the Shearwaters? on Twitter Share Is is possible to have all the cars, in the car park, whose lights could be seen from Muttonbird Island or the area between Muttonbird Island and birds that could be flying overhead from Muttonbird Island, prevented from having their lights seen by the Shearwaters? on Linkedin Email Is is possible to have all the cars, in the car park, whose lights could be seen from Muttonbird Island or the area between Muttonbird Island and birds that could be flying overhead from Muttonbird Island, prevented from having their lights seen by the Shearwaters? link

    Is is possible to have all the cars, in the car park, whose lights could be seen from Muttonbird Island or the area between Muttonbird Island and birds that could be flying overhead from Muttonbird Island, prevented from having their lights seen by the Shearwaters? asked over 4 years ago

    Car lights are required to be used by motor vehicles during night time for vehicular and pedestrian safety. The new car park design is located west of the current car park, further from Muttonbird Island than the existing car park, and the new parking configurations diversifies parking orientation. Demand for parking in this new location is not expected to be at peak during periods of low light or at night time when lighting is required for safety. It should be noted that any birds flying towards land from Muttonbird at night would sight a variety of lighting from homes and other structures, passing traffic and street lighting. Fixed lighting at the new North Wall Car Park is designed with the same principles for downlighting that are approved and in use at the new Jetty4Shores precinct completed in recent years. Thank you for your question.

  • Share Can the car lights, from the parked cars be seen from Muttonbird Island? If yes, will they cause an increase in Shearwaters leaving Muttonbird Island and coming to land when the Juveniles leave the island? How many extra birds will be affected by the lights from the cars shining out to the island? Is National Parks aware of this problem? on Facebook Share Can the car lights, from the parked cars be seen from Muttonbird Island? If yes, will they cause an increase in Shearwaters leaving Muttonbird Island and coming to land when the Juveniles leave the island? How many extra birds will be affected by the lights from the cars shining out to the island? Is National Parks aware of this problem? on Twitter Share Can the car lights, from the parked cars be seen from Muttonbird Island? If yes, will they cause an increase in Shearwaters leaving Muttonbird Island and coming to land when the Juveniles leave the island? How many extra birds will be affected by the lights from the cars shining out to the island? Is National Parks aware of this problem? on Linkedin Email Can the car lights, from the parked cars be seen from Muttonbird Island? If yes, will they cause an increase in Shearwaters leaving Muttonbird Island and coming to land when the Juveniles leave the island? How many extra birds will be affected by the lights from the cars shining out to the island? Is National Parks aware of this problem? link

    Can the car lights, from the parked cars be seen from Muttonbird Island? If yes, will they cause an increase in Shearwaters leaving Muttonbird Island and coming to land when the Juveniles leave the island? How many extra birds will be affected by the lights from the cars shining out to the island? Is National Parks aware of this problem? asked over 4 years ago

    Car headlamps are required for pedestrian and motorist safety at night time. Vehicle headlamps are among a variety of lights present in Coffs Harbour at night. National Parks and Wildlife Service has been advised of the plans for the car park upgrade. Thank you for your question.

  • Share I notice the boundary stating 'Railroad Lands". Who 'owns' the land the proposed improvements are on? I think the plans look great by the way. Great improvement and will be an asset to all who use and view the beach. I am supposing these improvements will integrate with the overall jetty concept under discussion. I see no issue with that. The only other comment is that landscaping should use species endemic to the area. Is this the case? Looks like it. Thanking You, Tammy on Facebook Share I notice the boundary stating 'Railroad Lands". Who 'owns' the land the proposed improvements are on? I think the plans look great by the way. Great improvement and will be an asset to all who use and view the beach. I am supposing these improvements will integrate with the overall jetty concept under discussion. I see no issue with that. The only other comment is that landscaping should use species endemic to the area. Is this the case? Looks like it. Thanking You, Tammy on Twitter Share I notice the boundary stating 'Railroad Lands". Who 'owns' the land the proposed improvements are on? I think the plans look great by the way. Great improvement and will be an asset to all who use and view the beach. I am supposing these improvements will integrate with the overall jetty concept under discussion. I see no issue with that. The only other comment is that landscaping should use species endemic to the area. Is this the case? Looks like it. Thanking You, Tammy on Linkedin Email I notice the boundary stating 'Railroad Lands". Who 'owns' the land the proposed improvements are on? I think the plans look great by the way. Great improvement and will be an asset to all who use and view the beach. I am supposing these improvements will integrate with the overall jetty concept under discussion. I see no issue with that. The only other comment is that landscaping should use species endemic to the area. Is this the case? Looks like it. Thanking You, Tammy link

    I notice the boundary stating 'Railroad Lands". Who 'owns' the land the proposed improvements are on? I think the plans look great by the way. Great improvement and will be an asset to all who use and view the beach. I am supposing these improvements will integrate with the overall jetty concept under discussion. I see no issue with that. The only other comment is that landscaping should use species endemic to the area. Is this the case? Looks like it. Thanking You, Tammy

    Tammy Mills-Thom asked over 4 years ago

    Hi Tammy. Thank you for your comments and questions. The land marked Railroad Lands is the property of the Australian Rail Track Corporation. The land that is identified for the North Wall Car Park Upgrade and foreshore enhancements is part of the Jetty Foreshore Crown Reserve (Crown Lands), managed by Council as Crown Lands Manager for that area. The North Wall section of the Reserve is named as the North Wall Foreshore. The concept designs for North Wall have been forwarded to relevant NSW Government agencies and to the NSW Government's Jetty Foreshores Community Project Advisory Steering Committee, which informs the NSW Government's planning for the overall Jetty Foreshores. Landscaping for North Wall Foreshore is to feature species endemic to the North Coast.

  • Share How many mature trees will be removed as part of this upgrade? What provisions for shade are being made as paet of this upgrade? Thankyou on Facebook Share How many mature trees will be removed as part of this upgrade? What provisions for shade are being made as paet of this upgrade? Thankyou on Twitter Share How many mature trees will be removed as part of this upgrade? What provisions for shade are being made as paet of this upgrade? Thankyou on Linkedin Email How many mature trees will be removed as part of this upgrade? What provisions for shade are being made as paet of this upgrade? Thankyou link

    How many mature trees will be removed as part of this upgrade? What provisions for shade are being made as paet of this upgrade? Thankyou

    gbrabander asked over 4 years ago

    Hi Gabrielle. Thank you for your question. It is planned that we will remove 8 x mature trees to allow for the car park footprint and construction works. Where possible all mature trees are being retained. Any that will be removed will be replaced in the upgrade, as a minimum on a 1:1 basis, with locally sourced native species appropriate to the site conditions. The planned upgrade includes the provision of 1 x picnic table with shelter, and additional tree planting strategically placed to provide shade to seating areas. Council is limited on the construction of additional formal shade structures due to the presence of the Sewer Rising Main.  

  • Share When is the slipway going to be fixed 14 million for the boat ramp where no one pays It is a ridiculous situation millions being spent not even a peep out of council about the slipway look what’s there yachts trawlers fisheries and police boats and no working slipway so ridiculous on Facebook Share When is the slipway going to be fixed 14 million for the boat ramp where no one pays It is a ridiculous situation millions being spent not even a peep out of council about the slipway look what’s there yachts trawlers fisheries and police boats and no working slipway so ridiculous on Twitter Share When is the slipway going to be fixed 14 million for the boat ramp where no one pays It is a ridiculous situation millions being spent not even a peep out of council about the slipway look what’s there yachts trawlers fisheries and police boats and no working slipway so ridiculous on Linkedin Email When is the slipway going to be fixed 14 million for the boat ramp where no one pays It is a ridiculous situation millions being spent not even a peep out of council about the slipway look what’s there yachts trawlers fisheries and police boats and no working slipway so ridiculous link

    When is the slipway going to be fixed 14 million for the boat ramp where no one pays It is a ridiculous situation millions being spent not even a peep out of council about the slipway look what’s there yachts trawlers fisheries and police boats and no working slipway so ridiculous

    Stan asked over 4 years ago

    Hi Stan. The slipway is a NSW Government project and not under the management or control of Coffs Harbour City Council.