- amend LEP 2013 to permit low-density residential development on the subject land, having regard to the environmental attributes affecting the land and subject to the preparation of a development control plan for the Woolgoolga North West growth area;
- ensure that Woolgoolga North West is developed in accordance with sound planning and design principles; and
- ensure that the rezoning is consistent with the broad strategic direction for the locality as described by North Coast Regional Plan 2036 and Council’s Local Growth Management Strategy 2020.
- rezone Lot 2 DP 1277984 from Zone RU2 Rural Landscape to part Zone R2 Low Density Residential, part Zone E2 Environmental Conservation and part Zone E3 Environmental Management,
- amend the relevant lot size map accordingly,
- modify clause 7.19 (Development on certain land at Newmans Road, Woolgoolga) within LEP 2013 so that it also applies to the subject land and create a new key sites map accordingly, and
- enable the development of the land for low-density residential purposes, having regard to the environmental attributes affecting the land and subject to the preparation of a development control plan that will ensure that any development of the area occurs in an orderly, logical and sustainable manner.
Has there been a different rezoning proposal on this land previously?
A previous planning proposal (PP_2019_COFFS_003_00) applied to the same parcel of land and was publicly exhibited in accordance with a Gateway Determination issued by NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment on 11 October 2019. PP_2019_COFFS_003_00 included the subject land entirely within an R2 Low-Density Residential zone. As a result of the public exhibition process for PP_2019_COFFS_003_00, Council received three public submissions and six Government agency/stakeholder submissions.
One of the public submissions and a submission from NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (Biodiversity and Conservation Division) raised a number of issues in relation to biodiversity. ‘BCD’ noted that they do not support the rezoning of the entire site to R2 Low-Density Residential and that vegetated parts on the western side of the planning area that adjoin the Council reserve should be zoned for conservation. Following a lengthy delay, the proponents revised the planning proposal to include an amended zone layout that better reflected the environmental attributes of the land.
The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment told Council that given the changes to the zone layout, their preferred way forward was for Council to seek a simultaneous termination of PP_2019_COFFS_003_00 and a Gateway determination for a new planning proposal incorporating the amended zone layout. This current planning proposal (PP-2021-5577) has been submitted as a result of this advice.
This new planning proposal includes the subject land within a combination of Zone R2 Low-Density Residential, Zone E2 Environmental Conservation and Zone E3 Environmental Management.
How do I make a submission on the Planning Proposal?
For electronic/online submissions: This Have Your Say screen has an "Electronic Submissions" section. You can upload an existing document using the Lodge a Submission link or you can type your comments in the field provided. You will be required to register legitimate contact details for your submission to be accepted.
For written submissions: clearly mark your correspondence as a:
"Submission to Planning Proposal PP-2021-5577 to rezone land at Bark Hut Road, Woolgoolga from RU2 Rural Landscape to part R2 Low-Density Residential, E2 Environmental Conservation and E3 Environmental Management and amend associated controls."
Written submissions should be addressed to the General Manager, Locked Bag 155, Coffs Harbour 2450, or emailed to coffs.council@chcc.nsw.gov.au and are to be submitted no later than close of business on 15 December 2021.
Council is committed to openness and transparency in its decision-making processes. The Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 requires Council to provide public access to information held unless there are overriding public interest considerations against disclosure. Any submissions received will be made publicly available unless the writer can demonstrate that the release of part or all of the information would not be in the public interest. However, Council would be obliged to release information as required by court order or other specific law.
Written submissions must be accompanied, where relevant, by a “Disclosure Statement of Political Donations and Gifts” in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government and Planning Legislation Amendment (Political Donations) Act 2008 No. 44 Disclosure forms are available from Council’s Customer Service Section or on Council’s website www.coffsharbour.nsw.gov.au/disclosurestatement(External link).
What are the intended outcomes of the Planning Proposal?
The intended outcomes of this planning proposal are to:
What amendments are proposed to Coffs Harbour LEP 2013?
Local Environmental Plans (LEPs) guide planning decisions for local government areas and are the main planning tool used to shape the future of communities and ensure local development is done appropriately.
Has the NSW Department of Planning and Environment endorsed these LEP Amendments for public exhibition?
On 1 November 2021, the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces determined pursuant to section 3.34(2) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 to issue a Gateway Determination for Planning Proposal PP-2021-5577 to allow it to be publicly exhibited. The Minister has also determined not to condition the Gateway for Council to be the local plan-making authority, as the planning proposal seeks rezoning of part of the site from RU2 Rural Landscape to E2 Environmental Conservation and E3 Environmental Management.
In accordance with the Minister’s determination and Council’s resolution, the Planning Proposal is now publicly available for community consultation.