How do I make a submission on the Planning Proposal?

    For electronic/online submissions: Have Your Say screen has an "Electronic Submissions" section. You can upload an existing document using the Lodge a Submission link or you can type your comments in the field provided. You will be required to register legitimate contact details for your submission to be accepted. 

    For written submissions: clearly mark your correspondence as a Submission to:

    Planning Proposal (PP_2020_COFFS_002_00) Coffs Harbour Local Environmental Plan 2013 - Housekeeping Amendment No. 3 (Including Woolgoolga Town Centre Master Plan and Local Growth Management Strategy Design Excellence for Industrial Areas)

    Written submissions should be addressed to the General Manager, Locked Bag 155, Coffs Harbour 2450, or emailed to and are to be submitted no later than close of business on Tuesday 15 September 2020.

    Council is committed to openness and transparency in its decision making processes. The Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 requires Council to provide public access to information held unless there are overriding public interest considerations against disclosure. Any submissions received will be made publicly available unless the writer can demonstrate that the release of part or all of the information would not be in the public interest. However, Council would be obliged to release information as required by court order or other specific law.

    Written submissions must be accompanied, where relevant, by a “Disclosure Statement of Political Donations and Gifts” in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government and Planning Legislation Amendment (Political Donations) Act 2008 No. 44 Disclosure forms are available from Council’s Customer Service Section or on Council’s website

    What is the intent of the Planning proposal?

    The intent of this planning proposal is to amend Coffs Harbour LEP 2013 to address an anomaly affecting the subdivision of certain split zone properties within the Coffs Harbour Local Government Area (LGA) and to amend the minimum lot size map sheet, as it relates to 19 Orara St, Nana Glen for Zone R5 Large Lot Residential. Such amendments will enable subdivision of 19 Orara Street, Nana Glen for large lot residential purposes.

    What amendments are proposed for Local Environmental Plan 2013?

    A summary of the proposed amendments to Coffs Harbour LEP 2013 are as follows

    • 19 Orara Street, Nana Glen
      • Amend Coffs Harbour Minimum Lot Size Map (Sheet LSZ_005A) to change the Minimum Lot Size for Zone R5 Large Lot Residential, from 2 hectares to 8,000 m2.
    • Split Zone Clause
      • Amend Clause 4.1A Minimum subdivision lot sizes for certain split zonesto:
        • clarify that it applies to various combinations of land use zones within the original lot;
        • ensure that residential portions of resulting lots comply with minimum lot size requirements;
        • ensure that the urban portions of resulting lots (business, industrial, special purpose or recreation zone) are suitable for a use permitted in the relevant zone;
        • ensure that where an original lot contains land within Zone RU2 Rural Landscape and a residential and/or urban zone, all of the land within Zone RU2 Rural Landscape is contained within one resulting lot to minimise fragmentation of rural land;
        • ensure that where an original lot contains only Zone RU2 Rural Landscape and Zone C2 Environmental Conservation and/or Zone C3 Environmental Management, the land in the rural zone in resulting lots is not less than the 40ha minimum lot size to minimise fragmentation of rural land;
        • ensure that the subdivision of split zoned lots will not compromise the continued protection and long-term maintenance of any land in Zone C2 Environmental Conservation or Zone C3 Environmental Management; and
        • ensure that a dwelling cannot be lawfully created on residual land within Zone RU2 Rural Landscape and/or Zone C2 Environmental Conservation, and/or Zone C3 Environmental Management where there is a residential and/or urban zone within the resulting lot.
    • Dwelling Permissibility Clause
      • Amend Clause 4.2B Erection of dwelling houses on land in certain rural and environmental protection zones to ensure that a dwelling cannot be lawfully created on residual land within Zone RU2 Rural Landscape and/or Zone C2 Environmental Conservation, and/or Zone C3 Environmental Management where there is a residential and/or urban zone within the same lot created under Clause 4.1A.

    Has the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment endorsed these LEP Amendments for public exhibition?

    Yes. On 29 November 2021, the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces determined pursuant to section 3.34(2) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 to issue a Gateway determination for Planning Proposal PP-2021-6491 and authorised Coffs Harbour City Council to exercise its delegation to make the Plan. In accordance with the Minister’s determination and Council’s resolution, the planning proposal is now publicly available for community consultation.