What is the Delivery Program?
The Delivery Program sets out Council’s proposed response to the MyCoffs Community Strategic Plan. Normally implemented over a four-year period, the 2017-2021 Delivery Program cycle has been extended for an additional year (2021/22) to assist NSW councils to adjust to the changing circumstances arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Delivery Program details the broad goals and principal activities that Council will pursue in addressing the MyCoffs objectives and strategies. The 2017-2022 Delivery Program was first endorsed by Council in June 2017. The Year 4 document updates that original plan for the next year of its lifespan. A new Delivery Program will be developed by Council in 2022.
The Delivery Program (Year 4) is supported by a detailed Operational Plan for 2020/21, Delivery Program Budgets for 2020-2021, and Council's proposed Fees and Charges for 2020/21.
How do I make a submission?
For electronic/online submissions: Our Have Your Say screen has a "Make A Submission" section. You can upload an existing document using the Lodge a Submission link or you can type your comments in the field provided. You will be required to register legitimate contact details for your submission to be accepted.
For submissions on paper: clearly mark your correspondence as a "Submission to the Draft Delivery Program". It should be sent to: The General Manager, Coffs Harbour City Council, Locked Bag 155, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. Alternatively - when COVID-19 restrictions ease - paper submissions can be delivered to Council's Administrative Centre at the corner of Coff and Castle Streets, Coffs Harbour (Mon-Fri, 8.30am to 4.30pm). Please provide your contact details to assist us to respond to your submission.
When do submissions close?
Submissions will be accepted up until 5pm on Monday, 15 June 2020.
What happens to my submission?
Council will acknowledge receipt of submissions to the Draft Delivery Program (Year 4). Submissions will be referred to Council staff for comment before being considered by Council prior to the finalisation of the Delivery Program (Year 4).
Following the adoption of the Delivery Program (Year 4), Council will respond to submission writers to advise the outcome of each submission.