I want to learn more about the MyCoffs CSP

    Across NSW each local government must have a Community Strategic Plan that has been developed with the local community and endorsed by Council.

    In 2016 Council asked our community: Where are we now? Where do we want to be in 10 years’ time? How will we get there? How will we know when we have arrived? This was a huge undertaking that included more than 3000 community members contributing to its creation at community events, workshops, meetings, focus groups and online. 

    Now in 2021 Council is encouraging anyone who lives, works, study’s or visits the Coffs Harbour local government area to have a say on the MyCoffs CSP check in. 

    Community input will ensure Council’s highest level long term plan for the area continues to reflect and achieve the community’s vision for the future. 

    Council will answer the questions as a part of the check in: How much did we do? How well did we do it? Is anybody better off as a result? This information will be promoted and distributed in the community though multiple channels and updated on this page in early 2022.  

    Visit here to learn more.