How is the flood study funded?
The City of Coffs Harbour (The City) has received financial support from the State Floodplain Management program to undertake a flood investigation of the Bonville Creek catchment.
What is the purpose of the flood study?
The study will take a comprehensive look at our local floodplains, including the causes and frequency of flooding. This is the crucial first step of the floodplain management process and covers the localities of Bonville and Sawtell in the Bonville, Pine, and Middle Creek Catchments.
What other agencies provide input into preparing a flood study?
The study will be conducted by a team of experts at JBPacific. They will be working closely with the City, the Department of Climate Change, Emergency, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW), NSW State Emergency Service (SES), and the community to gather information and input on the flood hazards in our area.