Council rate relief and support to help you rebuild

We are providing a range of measures to support our residents during recovery and rebuild.

Rates and Charges Relief

Council provides Rates and Charges relief to ratepayers (to extend due dates for payment etc.) via its Rates, Charges and Fees - Financial Hardship Policy. For more information, on how to apply for this relief please contact Council on 02 6648 4000 during business hours.

Assistance with Repairs and Rebuilding

For information about rebuilding after the fires please, contact Ben Oliver on 02 6648 4626 during business hours.

Application Fee Relief

Council at it's meeting of 13 February 2020 resolved to waive rebuilding development and construction related application fees and charges for bushfire impacted property owners identified by the Rural Fire Service Building Impact Assessment process.

Please note that this fee waiver applies to benefit the current property owners and is not transferrable in the event of the property being sold.

Categories: Planning and rebuild, Financial assistance
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