Why is this Draft Strategy being revised again?

    An earlier Draft Strategy was exhibited in June and July 2022. The feedback led to a significant review that takes into account measurable alignment with broader City initiatives and a clear suite of direct actions. This revised draft identifies and prioritises strategic actions and measurements while considering the current and future needs of our community from an economic, social and environmental perspective.  

    What is an Economic Development Strategy?

    An Economic Development Strategy is one of Council's strategies to assist prioritise and focus Council resources as they contribute to a THRIVING Coffs. It is a working strategy to grow opportunities for our community.

    Here are some key terms in relation to Economic Development:

    • Economics – is the allocation of scarce resources to provide for individuals, businesses, government and nations
    • Economic Development – is the programs, policies or activities that seek to improve the economic well-being and quality of life for a community
    • Sustainable Development – is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

    Why does Coffs Harbour need an Economic Development Strategy?

    As the LGA continues its transition to a regional city, the challenges in supporting a thriving community include:

    • Increasing employment opportunities
    • Attracting investment
    • Building skills for future workforce employability.

    With unprecedented and continuous external environmental changes, a clear outline of the LGA's key economic development priorities is needed. This will guide decisions made by Council, State and Federal agencies, businesses, and the wider community.

    Where does the EDS fit within Council?

    The MyCoffs - Community Strategic Plan (CSP) was prepared by Council on behalf of the community. The plan sets out goals and priorities for the LGA over the next ten years and beyond. The current CSP contains, amongst others, five broad economic goals to realise the community vision of a Connected, Sustainable and Thriving Coffs:

    • Champion business, innovation and technology to stimulate economic growth and local jobs (B1.1 p14)
    • Attract people to work, live and visit (B1.2)
    • Prepare to exploit opportunities now and in the future (B2.1)
    • Create and manage vibrant public places (C1.1)
    • Effectively manage the planning and provision of regional public services and infrastructure (D2.1)
    • The CSP is currently under review as part of Local Government Integrated Planning and Reporting requirements.

    How is the EDS being reviewed and developed?

    The refresh of the Economic Development Strategy has dovetailed with the community consultation and review of the My Coffs - Community Strategic Plan. Initial consultation has been undertaken with key focus groups to assist preparation of a broader survey. This survey will be shared electronically with the wider community, ensuring extensive feedback and input.

    What does our local economy at a glance look like?

    The Coffs Harbour economy faces a number of development opportunities and challenges. While the Coffs Harbour LGA’s exports are dominated by construction, agriculture and tourism, health, retail and hospitality are also dominant industries. Growth in agriculture has been driven by the blueberry sector, which accounts for over 80% of local agricultural production, and equates to 75% of NSW blueberry production.

    While the tourism sector is strong, it has been heavily impacted by events of the last two years. Positive highlights include continued recognition in a crowded marketplace and certification as the first ECO destination in NSW. However, there is a legacy of under-investment in tourism, especially with regard to accommodation.