- Site dimensions
- Accessibility
- Site conditions,
- Location to target catchment
- Construction method and cost.
- Land ownership/tenure
- Land planning requirements
- Site services
- Environmental impacts
- Traffic impacts
- Impact on current users
- Local area impacts
- Site profile
- Place making
- Community.
- ‘West Multipurpose Precinct’ (CCSLP West)
- Privately owned (CCSLP South)
- Bruce Barnier Oval (CCSLP East)
- Rugby League Precinct including Geoff King Motors Oval (CCSLP South).
- Superior opportunities for a positive contribution to traffic management to and around the precinct
- Better event management by enabling the ‘West’ precinct to operate independently of the indoor facility
- Better ‘place’ planning by creating a relationship between key infrastructure (stadium, hockey centre, hospital, university and CCSLP South)
- Main sports hall including 3 courts and allowance for games and events
- Second sports hall including 3 courts to for competitions and events
- Additional area for cricket training centre which may also be used for table tennis (surface dependent) and other multipurpose activities
- Additional office space
- Multi-purpose space that could be used for health and fitness services
- Car parking.
What are Regional Indoor Sports Centres (RISC)?
Regional Indoor Sports Centres (RISC) are multi-sporting facilities that can be accessed all year around. They include a range of indoor sports courts, have the capacity to host national, state and regional championships and complement already established regionally significant sport facilities.
Why has Council decided to assess sites for a RISC?
In 2018 Council adopted the Coffs Harbour Indoor Sport Study which prioritised the development of a proposed Regional Facility (minimum of 6 courts) within the Coffs Coast Regional Sports Hub to meet regional event and economic opportunities.
In April 2018, Council resolved to submit an Expression of Interest to the NSW Government’s Regional Sports Infrastructure Fund (RSIF) for the Coffs Coast Regional Sports Hub – Stage 2. A business case for the proposed Regional Indoor Sports Centre was included in the submission.
In October 2018, Council was advised that the application for the RSIF funding round for the Coffs Coast Regional Sports Hub was successful.
A consultant was engaged in early 2019 to undertake a site selection and develop a component brief to guide the assessment of potential sites and inform future discussions on the concept design for the proposed Regional Indoor Sports Centre.
What key factors were considered as part of the site selection?
The following site selection factors have been developed to assess the RISC sites:
Primary Selection Factors
Secondary Selection Factors
Further details about the Facility Site section Criteria are included on page 9 of the Technical Report.
What sites were assessed for the proposed RISC?
Xypher Consulting investigated four sites within the broader Coffs Coast Sport and Leisure Park (CCSLP) precinct, including siting various configurations to meet key requirements. The sites assessed included:
What site was selected for the proposed RISC?
The site investigations have recommended Bruce Barnier Oval within the Coffs Coast Sport and Leisure Park as the preferred location for further planning and development of the Coffs Harbour Regional Indoor Sports Centre.
This site was found to offer a better location due to:
The assessment report on this site can be found on page 12-13 of the Technical Report.
What are the estimated costs involved?
The next stage of the project involves the preparation of a business case for the selected site. The capital and operational costs of the facility detail will be provided (at a concept level) within the business case.
Appendix D - Construction Assessment of the Technical Report provides basic building costs for the purposes of site comparison. They do not allow for preliminaries, external services, design or construction contingency, professional fees, planning approval etc.
What are the impacts of this site on other user groups?
The assessment of the Bruce Barnier Oval identified a minor impact on current field sports and events, but this would be replaced by new fields within the West precinct of the CCSLP as part of the Regional Sports Hub Stage 2 Project.
Page 7 of the Technical Report includes an assessment of this site impacts on current users.
What features are included in the RISF facility component brief?
A facility component brief was prepared to assist with site assessment for the project and provide the basis for preliminary concept design options. The final components will be refined during the second phase of the project. This will include consideration of layout and staging.
Key features of the RISF component brief are:
Page 5 of the Consultation and Component Brief includes the key features of the component brief in more detail.
How were stakeholders engaged on this site selection process?
Consultation in this project has been limited to key stakeholders and technical experts to assist in informing the concept design and facilitating partnership discussions.
Previous consultation on The Coffs Harbour Indoor Sports Study included extensive stakeholder engagement to help inform the need for additional indoor courts within the LGA and specifically in the Coffs Harbour urban area. This included key sport, government and community stakeholders including schools, service clubs and community service providers.
Page 2 of the Consultation and Component Brief includes the key stakeholder consultation.
Has a decision been made about the final site selection?
Yes. Council at its 10 September 2020 Meeting endorsed the RISC site selection investigation report. This recommended Bruce Barnier Oval within the Coffs Coast Sport and Leisure Park as the preferred location for further planning and development of the Coffs Harbour Regional Indoor Sports Centre.