Why is a Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy needed?

    There has been significant population growth in our region, and changes to the waste industry in recent years. Given these factors, we anticipate these influences will continue, and we need to be prepared.

    Each year, the average household in our LGA produces around 1,400kg of waste – much of which ends up in landfill.  

    The City wants to work with the community to reduce the creation of waste and to maximise recycling, and the development of a new Strategy will provide a guide for how the City and the community can work together to manage waste and create a more sustainable future.

    How was the Strategy developed?

    From August to September, we consulted with the community and key stakeholders through surveys, pop-ups and workshops. We received more than 900 responses from the community this provided important insights into current household behaviours around waste, community ideas to minimise landfill waste and suggestions to enhance recycling and resource recovery.

    What will be the focus of the new Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy?

    The Strategy will set out a clear path forward on how The City of Coffs Harbour and the community can move towards a more circular economy. This includes identifying ways to improve correct separation of waste into the kerbside bins, and therefore reduce the waste that is going to landfill.

    How is City of Coffs Harbours waste currently managed?

    The City works with community, to ensure we send as little as possible to landfill to preserve our finite resources and the beautiful environment we live in.

    The City provides weekly and fortnightly kerbside collection services, as well as waste transfer stations and twice-yearly bulky goods collections.

    The City’s waste services include Coffs Coast Waste.

    • Englands Road Waste Management Facility 

    • Woolgoolga Transfer Station 

    • Coramba Transfer Station 

    • Lowanna Transfer Station 

    What we've considered

    What We’ve Considered: In developing this strategy, we’ve examined a variety of factors, including:

    • The current state of waste processes, assets, and infrastructure.
    • Targets from the NSW Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041 (Stage 1: 2021-2027).
    • The MyCoffs Community Strategic Plan 2032.
    • Insights from recent events, such as natural disasters and emergencies.
    • Consultation with our wider community with over 900 responses.

    Key Outcomes We Aim to Achieve:

    The principles and action plan outlined in the draft Strategy will focus on:

    Higher rates of resource recovery through effective community participation and continued waste education.

    Opportunities to explore for local waste reduction solutions, including increasing capabilities for additional recycling, re-purposing, and reuse of materials.

    • Exploration of innovative and emerging waste technologies.
    • Minimisation of the environmental impact of waste generation in our region.
    • Align the draft strategy to include any relevant state and federal Government legislation.
    • Advocate for waste reduction through engaging with state and federal governments.

    What is resource recovery?

    Resource recovery is the activity of separating materials from waste that can be recycled into new products or used as an energy alternative to fossil fuels. The aim of resource recovery is to divert as much waste from landfill as possible. 

    What is the circular economy?

    The circular economy is a shared responsibility to place value on our resources, by getting as much use out of products and materials as we can and reducing the amount of waste we create in the first place.

    It is circular because it keeps products and materials in use, keeping them out of landfill, while building the economy and creating more jobs. For example, using recycled materials to manufacture new items, repairing household goods before buying new ones, re purposing items that are no longer used or reusing products instead of single use items.

    What is the Vision and Guiding Principles?


    Coffs Harbour is an engaged, regional City of sustainable excellence with less waste, a focus on resource recovery and the circular economy.  

    Guiding principles  

    Guiding Principles serve as a key reference for making decisions and carrying out activities related to this Strategy. These principles were created through the Community Engagement process and workshops with stakeholders. From these discussions, several important themes emerged, which are outlined below:  

    1. Local waste solutions  
    Prioritising local waste solutions that reflect community desire and are also economically sustainable over long term.  

    2. Waste avoidance  
    Aim to reduce waste, protect the environment and transition to a low-carbon future.  

    3. Quality services  
    Ensuring quality and fit-for-purpose services and a robust waste and resource recovery system for our community.  

    4. Empowered community  
    A well informed and empowered community on waste management and resource recovery 

    What is the strategic direction of waste in NSW?

    The NSW Environment Protection Authority is required to develop a waste strategy for the State – this is currently the NSW Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041—Stage 1: 2021–2027 

    The development of a new Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy will provide a framework for the City to reduce the impacts of waste and will assist to lead the City of Coffs Harbour towards a sustainable future.  

    How is the City of Coffs Harbour’s waste currently managed?

    With the community’s help, the City strives to ensure we send as little as possible to landfill to preserve our finite resources and the beautiful environment we live in.

    Scheduled kerbside collection services, as well as green waste and bulky good vouchers are delivered to eligible properties.

    Properties that are not eligible for waste services are able to utilise ‘pay as you go’ at the City’s four facilities across the LGA :

    • Englands Road Waste Management Facility
    • Woolgoolga Transfer Station
    • Coramba Transfer Station
    • Lowanna Transfer Station