What is the Compliance Response Framework
The Compliance Response Framework (CRF) was first adopted in 2015. It details the level of regulatory involvement and response times used by council staff in assessing and responding to the receipt of customer requests associated with a wide variety of issues. The CRF identifies and describes the most common requests for assistance associated with private and public land use issues. Proposed revisions to the CRF.
internal review of the CRF has been undertaken to ensure the matters and
response times remain relevant and consistent with service levels. The review
has identified the need for additional matters to be included and various changes
to better reflect the practice being applied to specific issues. Proposed changes to the Framework can be viewed in the documents attached to the 'Have Your Say' page. Further
enhancement of the Framework is also proposed through the addition of a risk
based escalation hierarchy developed to assist with managing community
expectations in relation to possible compliance outcomes.
How do I make a submission?
For electronic/online submissions: Our Have Your Say screen has a "Make A Submission" section. You can upload an existing document using the Choose file link or you can type your comments in the field provided. You will be required to register legitimate contact details for your submission to be accepted.
For submissions on paper: clearly mark your correspondence as a "Submission to the revised Compliance Response Framework". It should be sent to: The General Manager, Coffs Harbour City Council, Locked Bag 155, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450. Alternatively, paper submissions can be delivered to Council's Administrative Centre at the corner of Coff and Castle Streets, Coffs Harbour (Mon-Fri, 8.30am to 4.30pm). Please provide your contact details to assist us to respond to your submission.
When do submissions close?
What happens to my submission?
Submissions will be reviewed and included as part of a further report to Council for determination.