Why does Council need to prepare a Local Growth Management Strategy (LGMS)?
The release of the North Coast Regional Plan 2036 in 2017 has required Council’s to prepare a Local Growth Management Strategy to ensure that the directions and actions contained within the North Coast Regional Plan are satisfied.
https://www.planning.nsw.gov.au/Plans-for-your-area/Regional-Plans/North-CoastWhat must a LGMS do?
Local Growth Management Strategies provide an agreed approach between Councils and the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) to land use management and change within Council areas. They essentially inform the location and extent of land use zones within Council areas; identify how and where growth is going to occur; and inform other key Council documents that influence (or are influenced by) the management of land use growth.
What Chapters are included in the LGMS?
The LGMS provides an overarching strategy with separate, but related component chapters. These separate chapters will be presented to Council as individual reports with public exhibition processes.
Chapters 1-4 - Strategic Approach
Chapter 5 – Rural Lands
Chapter 6 – Large Lot Residential Lands
Chapter 7 – Residential Lands
Chapter 8 – Employment Lands
What do the maps show?
Detailed maps in Chapter 4 have been developed to identify the location of infill, renewal and growth areas.
The Growth, Infill and Renewal maps identify expected dwelling yields to be realised, and outline key development principles to encourage high quality housing and public realm outcomes specific to those localities.