Community and Cultural Facilities Plan 2021-31
Consultation has concluded

The Community and Cultural Facilities Plan 2021-2031 – a strategy to guide Council’s decision-making on community and cultural facilities across the Coffs Harbour Local Government Area (LGA) for the next 10 years – has been adopted by Council.
Community and cultural facilities are buildings and spaces for groups to interact, promoting social cohesion, community connections, participation and a sense of belonging. They are essential to the health and wellbeing of communities with suitable spaces needed to deliver services, programs, resources, events and activities to meet social, cultural and recreational needs.
Over the next 10 years, the Coffs Harbour Region is projected to grow by around 11,000 residents. Community and cultural facility planning is an important part of planning for the city’s growth and development.
The Community and Cultural Facilities Plan 2021-2031 takes into account existing strategic documents and available community facilities, as well as the needs of our local population and its composition. It has identified opportunities to help develop a future range of spaces for community purposes.
The draft document was on public exhibition from 16 November 2020 until 16 December 2020 and received 28 submissions.
The priority projects highlighted for enhancement or development over the next 10 years include:
- expansion of the Jetty Memorial Theatre (multi-purpose and rehearsal space);
- a Cultural Collections facility;
- a Moonee Community Hub;
- a Coffs Harbour Entertainment Venue;
- the Ayrshire Park community meeting space;
- expansion of the Branch Library network; and
- a Youth Services and Recreation Hub feasibility project.
This work has involved the following projects running simultaneously:
- A review and audit of Council's community and cultural facilities and venues
- Issues and Options Analysis for Performing Arts Spaces – Indoor and Outdoor
- City Hill Scoping Project Site Analysis.
This project and the associated studies have been identified in Creative Coffs - Cultural Strategic Plan 2017-2022 and through resolution of Council.
The feedback period is now closed. Council at its 11 March 2021 Meeting resolved to adopt the Final Plan.
Funding for the proposed facilities will be sought from Federal and State Government grants, as well as opportunities in future Council budgets.