Related Projects
Live Projects
Road Naming Proposals
As the road naming authority for local roads, we invite community comments on road naming proposals.
Road Naming Applications are lodged by developers for new roads being created within residential...
Moonee Creek Flood Study
In process: under review
We recently invited the community to share feedback on flooding in the Moonee Creek catchment. The feedback along with technical studies will the development of the... -
S7.11 Contributions Plan Reviews
The City is currently reviewing and updating a number of S7.11 Contributions Plans to create a consistent approach to Local Infrastructure Contributions across the LGA to ensure that we are...
Central Coffs Estuaries Coastal Management Program
We are developing a Coastal Management Program for the Central Coffs Estruaries.
Throughout the process the community will be invited to share your feedback.
To stay updated read the 'News... -
Coffs Harbour Open Coast - Coastal Management Program
Help develop a plan to protect what you value about our coastline
We are interested in learning about where and how the community uses our coastline and what the community...
Bonville Creek Flood Study
We recently consulted with the community to help us better understand potential flood risk, help manage flood-prone areas and ensure future flood risks are reduced we are undertaking a new...
Help develop our Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy
The Stage 1 consultation period ended on Sunday, September 1. We appreciate everyone who provided feedback.
We are now in the process of reviewing the community input and technical data... -
Planning Proposal - 39-39A Strouds Road, Bonville
The City of Coffs Harbour is seeking community feedback on a planning proposal to rezone land at 39-39A Strouds Road, Bonville from Zone RU2 Rural Landscape to Zone R5 Large...
City Centre Parking Plan
Consultation closed 14 May 2024. A draft City Centre Parking Plan will be placed on public exhibition later this year.
The community has recently been invited to participate in a... -
MyCoffs Community Strategic Plan Check-in
The MyCoffs Community Strategic Plan (Plan) sets the direction for our community until 2032, with the long-term vision for the Coffs Harbour Local Government Area to be:
Connected Sustainable...
Planning Proposal - 43 Faviell Drive, Bonville
The City is seeking community feedback on a planning proposal to reduce the minimum lot size at No. 43 Faviell Drive, Bonville.
The proposal will enable a development application to...
Planning Proposal – Lindsays Road, Boambee
The City is seeking community feedback on a planning proposal to reduce the minimum lot size and adjust the land zoning and terrestrial biodiversity maps at Lindsays Road, Boambee (Lot...
Draft Coffs Creek Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
Thanks to financial support from the State Floodplain Management Program, the City has undertaken an extensive flood investigation for the Coffs Creek Catchment area. This Floodplain Risk Management Study and...
Planning Proposal - Sugarmill Road, Sapphire Beach
The City of Coffs Harbour is seeking community feedback on a planning proposal to rezone land at 28, 35 and 89 Sugarmill Road, Sapphire Beach from Zone RU2 Rural Landscape...
West Coffs Shared Path
Consultation period 7 February to 2 March 2025.
A big thank you to everyone who took the time to provide input on the West Coffs Shared Path project. Whether you...
Draft Resource Recovery and Waste Strategy
We’re excited to share the draft Resource Recovery and Waste Strategy, developed with valuable input from our community—thank you to everyone who contributed!
We now invite you to review...
Archived Projects
City Hill Analysis and Scoping
City Hill is a Council-owned site on the corner of Hogbin Drive and Albany Street where the National Cartoon Gallery @ the Bunker and the Bridge Club are located. In...
Coffs Harbour Entertainment Venue (CHEV) Scoping Study
Project update - September 2022
The Coffs Harbour Entertainment Venue (CHEV) Scoping Study aims to provide Council with development recommendations for an indoor entertainment venue that will deliver the best...
Sawtell Pool Upgrade Design Concepts
Consultation Closed
Pool Redevelopment Deferred
Due to tight grant deadlines 31 December 2023, this is an unachievable timeframe for the City to deliver the project. The complexes will be revisited... -
Woolgoolga Pool Upgrade Design Concepts
Consultation Closed
Pool Redevelopment Deferred
Due to tight grant deadlines 31 December 2023, this is an unachievable timeframe for the City to deliver the project. The complexes will be revisited... -
North Wall Car Park Upgrade Project
Visitors and local residents are now enjoying the new beachfront lawn recreation space, the views, the extra parking and the accessibility throughout the site, with the recent completion of North...
Local Playgrounds
We have completed upgrades and construction to provide three new local playgrounds for children in Nana Glen, Sawtell and Sandy Beach. For further information click on the links on the...
Woolgoolga Whale Trail
Consultation closed: Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.
Construction for the Whale Trail project commenced 18 March to be completed by June 2024.Visit Projects and Initiatives to view...
Woolgoolga Region Estuaries Coastal Management Program
Council has recently finalised a Coastal Management Program (CMP) for the estuaries of Darkum Creek, Woolgoolga Lake, Willis Creek and Hearnes Lake. The program was prepared in line with the...
Mullaway Beach Reserve - Coffs Coast Regional Park
Consultation for this project has now closed.
Construction for this project is now completed. Visit the Completed Project page on the City's website.Project Overview
A new beach shower...
Coffs Coast Regional Park
Project Overview
There are currently no consultations underway regarding the Coffs Coast Regional Park.
Coffs Coast Regional Park was Gazetted in October 2003 and now includes 366 hectares of coastal...
Community Participation and Engagement Plan review
Council adopted the revised CPEP!
What is the CPEP?
Coffs Harbour City Council’s Community Participation and Engagement Plan explains how you can be a part of Council’s decision making processes...
Community Village & Cavanbah Centre Draft Plan of Management
Council’s draft Plan of Management for the Community Village and Cavanbah Centre Crown reserves was placed on public exhibition from 1 March 2021 to 14 April 2021. The period for...
1555 Bucca Road Nana Glen - Coffs Harbour Local Environmental Plan 2013 Amendment - Planning Proposal PP-2021-2434
Council at its Ordinary meeting of 25 February 2021, resolved to initiate an amendment to Coffs Harbour Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2013 to reduce the minimum subdivision lot size that...
Coffs Harbour Local Environmental Plan 2013 - 5 year review; Part 1 (Planning Proposal PP-2021-133) – proposed amendment
Consultation has concluded.In December 2020, Coffs Harbour City Council completed a 5-year review of Coffs Harbour Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2013. As a result of that review, Council... -
Draft Coffs Harbour Heritage Strategy 2021- 2024
European heritage within the Coffs Harbour LGA includes mid-19th century, as well as Aboriginal cultural heritage from a much earlier period. Many of these items provide first-hand information about...
288-294 Coramba Road, Coffs Harbour Planning Proposal: PP-2021-2954 and Draft DCP Mapping Amendments
At its Ordinary meeting of 25 March 2021, Council resolved to endorse and initiate a (proponent-led) planning proposal over 288-294 Coramba Road, Coffs Harbour and to seek a Gateway determination...
Draft Revised Renewable Energy and Emissions Reduction Plan (REERP)
We have revised our Renewable Energy and Emissions Reduction Plan (REERP) to help the organisation reach its renewable energy and emissions reductions goals for 2030. We would love to hear...
2017-2022 Draft Delivery Program (Year 5)
Council’s 2017-2022 Draft Delivery Program (Year 5) is now open for public exhibition. The documents include the 2021/22 Draft Operational Plan, the 2021/22 Draft Delivery Program Budgets and the 2021/22...
A Public Realm Strategy for Coffs Harbour
The Public Realm Strategy
The Coffs Harbour Public Realm Strategy was adopted by Council on 10 August 2023.
Thank you for your time and providing feedback on the project.
Woolgoolga bike lane trial
Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey. We are currently reviewing the feedback and will report to Council in the coming months. Participants who provided feedback will receive
... -
Telecommunications infrastructure – proposed policy, development controls and public notification requirements
On 27 May 2021 Coffs Harbour City Council resolved to carry out public exhibition of a number of draft documents that outline Council's expectations for the appropriate development of telecommunications... -
Emerald Beach Day Use Area Masterplan
Emerald Beach Day Use Area forms part of the Coffs Coast Regional Park, which is managed by the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) and Coffs Harbour City Council, under...
Coffs Live and Local
The Live and Local project is a joint initiative to be delivered by Council in partnership with the Live Music Office and APRA AMCOS from mid-2021 until mid-2022.
Live and...
Mullaway Drainage Works
Works are expected to start soon on a $1.39 million drainage and road reconstruction project in sections of Orchid Road, Sun Street and The Boulevarde, Mullaway.
Coffs Harbour City Council’s...
Hulberts Road Toormina – Coffs Harbour Local Environmental Plan 2013 Amendment – Planning Proposal PP-2021-4198
Council has received a request to amend Coffs Harbour Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2013 to permit the storage and hire of shipping containers on Lot 13, DP 1109077, Hulberts Road,...
Coffs Harbour Gold Cup Part Day Public Holidays 2022 and 2023
Coffs Harbour City Council (Council) sought community feedback on the local part day public holiday for the annual Coffs Harbour Gold Cup which is held on the first Thursday in...
116 Braford Drive, Bonville Planning Proposal: PP-2021-4487
Council at its Ordinary meeting of 8 July 2021, resolved to initiate an amendment to Coffs Harbour Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2013 to reduce the minimum lot size that applies...
Disability Inclusion Action Plan
Coffs Harbour City Council wants to make the area better for people with disabilities.
Under the NSW Disability Inclusion Act 2014, Council is required to review their Disability Inclusion...
Development in the Coastal Vulnerability Area (CVA)
Proposed Amendments to Planning Controls for Development in the Coastal Vulnerability Area
Council is proposing amendments to a number of coastal planning controls within the Coffs Harbour Local Government Area...
Middle Creek Flood Study and Floodplain Risk Management Plan Review
Project Overview
We are reviewing the Flood Study and Floodplain Risk Management Plan for the Middle Creek catchment.
This study will provide a better understanding of flooding in the catchment... -
MyCoffs Community Strategic Plan
The reviewed MyCoffs Community Strategic Plan (CSP) Submissions are now closed.
We checked in with the community between October 2021 and March 2022 as part of reviewing the document.
Brelsford Park
Consultation for this project has now closed.
Future updates and the final Concept Plan can be found on Current Projects City’s website.In 2021 we consulted with the community...
Water Week Competition
Please complete the Competition Entry form in full.
Please be aware - employees, and their families, of Coffs Harbour City Council, Harvey Norman, Woopi News and News of the Area...
Remote Rescue Tube Project (3-year roll-out program)
Council is implementing a 3-year remote rescue tube roll-out program commencing in 2021/22, installing remote rescue tube facilities at key access points to beach locations across the Coffs Harbour local...
Bark Hut Road Woolgoolga – Coffs Harbour Local Environmental Plan 2013 Amendment – Planning Proposal PP-2021-5577
Council at its Ordinary meeting of 14 October 2021, resolved to initiate an amendment to Coffs Harbour Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2013 to rezone land located at Bark Hut Road...
Arrawarra Creek, Pipe Clay Lake and Corindi River Coastal Management Program
What is the draft CMP about?
We are currently developing a Coastal Management Program (CMP) for the estuaries of Arrawarra Creek, Pipe Clay Lake and Corindi River (the Northern Estuaries)...
14-22 Smiths Road Emerald Beach – Coffs Harbour Local Environmental Plan 2013 Amendment – Planning Proposal PP-2021-4602
This planning proposal relates to land located at 14-22 Smiths Road, Emerald Beach (Lot 1 DP 726095). The intended outcome of this planning proposal is to amend the minimum lot...
Concept Plan Moonee Street / Park Avenue Street Upgrade
The Plan and Concept Design for Park Avenue and Moonee Street was adopted 9 June 2022.
This project is a key outcome for the Coffs City Centre Masterplan 2031.Project
... -
19 Orara Street Nana Glen & Housekeeping Amendment (Split Zone Clause & Dwelling Permissibility Clause) – Coffs Harbour Local Environmental Plan 2013 Amendment – Planning Proposal – PP-2021-6491
The purpose of this planning proposal is to amend Coffs Harbour LEP 2013 to reduce the minimum lot size of the large lot residential portion of 19 Orara Street, Nana...
North Boambee Valley West - exhibition of draft Coffs Harbour DCP Amendment No. 29 and draft Developer Contributions Plan
At its meeting on Thursday 9 June 2022 Council resolved to endorse the Coffs Harbour Development Control Plan (DCP) 2015 – Amendment No. 29 (North Boambee Valley West Masterplan) and...
2022-2026 Draft Delivery Program and Operational Plan
Public Exhibition Closed: Council’s draft 2022-2026 Delivery Program and 2022/23 Operational Plan include the draft 2022/23 Delivery Program Budgets, draft 2022/23 Fees and Charges and the draft 2022/23 Statement of...
101 Faviell Drive, Bonville – Coffs Harbour Local Environmental Plan 2013 Amendment – Planning Proposal PP-2021-4831
Council has received a request to amend Coffs Harbour Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2013 to reduce the minimum lot size applying to Lot 4, DP 1138855, 101 Faviell Drive, Bonville. ...
4/4A Bray Street Coffs Harbour – Coffs Harbour Local Environmental Plan 2013 Amendment – Planning Proposal PP-2021-7194
Council has received a request to amend Coffs Harbour Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2013 to allow alterations to an existing pub on Lot 4 DP825181 and to allow the use...
Lakeside Reserve Woolgoolga
Woolgoolga Lakeside Reserve is being upgraded through a range of ongoing works to provide improved facilities for the community, while restoring and protecting the banks of the lake.
Coffs Harbour...
Public exhibition of NSW Government Employment Zones Reform
Changes to Business and Industrial Zones
The Department of Planning and Environment is currently exhibiting changes to existing Business and Industrial zones across NSW. This affects all land zoned for...
Draft Youth Strategy 2022 - 2025
The draft Youth Strategy outlines Council's role is helping to support young people who call the Coffs Coast home.
The draft strategy aligns to the themes and outcomes in the...
Draft Amended Fees & Charges
Following the adoption of the 2022-2023 Operational Plan and Fees and Charges, Council identified some fees and charges that were omitted or have changed due to legislative amendments.
At the...
9 Crown Reserves Draft Plan of Management
Public Exhibition closed: Council’s draft Plan of Management for the following 9 Crown Reserves was placed on public exhibition from 5 September to 27 October 2022.
- R.46273 - Woolgoolga Mall
- ...
14 Crown Reserves Draft Plan of Management
About the draft Plan of Management
A Plan of Management is the legal mechanism which allows Council, as the appointed land manager, to manage the occupation and use of the...
North Coast Regional Botanic Garden Draft Plan of Management
Public Exhibition closed: Council’s draft Plan of Management for the North Coast Regional Botanic Garden was placed on public exhibition from 5 September to 27 October 2022.
About the draft
... -
Woolgoolga Lake Draft Plan of Management
About the draft Plan of Management
A Plan of Management is the legal mechanism which allows Council, as the appointed land manager, to manage the occupation and use of the...
Part day public holiday - Coffs Harbour Gold Cup and possible Community Festival
Consultation closed - We sought community feedback from 2 to 30 September 2022. This item was tabled at the 27 October 2022 Council meeting and Council resolved the following: "That...
Amended planning controls for Argyll Estate precinct
Public exhibition has closed and amendments have been adopted
Coffs Harbour City Council is proposing changes to its planning rules to enable the re-development of land within the Argyll Estate...
Draft Telecommunications Facilities Policy - Revised
From July to August 2021, we exhibited the following Policy and Plans. We have taken into consideration feedback and, following the Council resolution on 13 October 2022 we are now...
Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy
We have reviewed and amended the Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy.
This policy is required by the Local Government Act 1993 (Act) and establishes accountability and transparency in providing facilities... -
Economic Development Strategy - Revised
Earlier this year from June to July 2022, we exhibited the Draft Economic Development Strategy. We listened to community and stakeholder feedback and revised the strategy to include actions and...
DCP Amendment No. 35 Employment Zone Conservation Zone and General
Purpose of the amendment
The NSW Government is simplifying business and industrial zones across the state. Earlier this year, the NSW Government exhibited a draft amendment to Coffs Harbour Local...
Coffs Harbour Movement and Place Strategy
Closed: Monday 27 February 2023.
We thank you for providing input and comment on the draft Strategy's '10 Big Moves' - the key initiatives we are proposing over the next...
Bushfire Recovery News and Updates
Our bushfire recovery page was created to support those in the Orara Valley, and other communities within our local government area, as they recover from the November 2019 bushfires.
There... -
Disaster Risk and Response - Survey
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. We recently invited the community to share their feedback and experience via a survey regarding the impacts of natural disasters. Your feedback will...
Draft Planning Controls and Transport Plan for Woolgoolga
Consultation has concluded. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.
Public Exhibition closed Friday 26 May 2023.
The Woolgoogla community was invited to review and provide feedback on the draft...
Draft 2022-26 Delivery Program (Year 2) and Draft 2023/24 Operational Plan
The draft 2022-26 Delivery Program (Year 2) and draft 2023/24 Operational Plan and Budget was on public exhibition from 1 to 29 May 2023.
The feedback received will be incorporated...
Draft Coffs Harbour Northern LGA Flood Study
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the draft Coffs Harbour Northern LGA Flood Study.
The study was endorsed by theCouncil on 14 December 2023.
The study looks at... -
Planning Proposal - Floor Space Ratio Controls (Woolgoolga Town Centre)
Public Exhibition Monday, 22 May 2023 to 5pm Thursday 22 June 2023.
Thank you to everyone who made a submission.Planning Proposal PP-2023-650 - Removal of Floor Space
... -
Draft Plan of Management – 13 Manning Avenue, Coffs Harbour
CLOSED: The draft Plan of Management (PoM) for Community Land at 13 Manning Avenue, Coffs Harbour was on public exhibition from 13 June to 25 July. Thank you to everyone...
Sandy Beach Public School – Student travel
In partnership with Sandy Beach Public School, we invite you to share your experience and ways to improve the students travel to school.
The congestion associated with the “Waiters area"...
Planning Proposal LEP 2013 Amendment Gaudrons Road Sapphire Beach
Public Exhibition has concluded.
The City was seeking community feedback on a planning proposal to rezone land at 9-9A and 148-158 Gaudrons Road, Sapphire Beach from Zone RU2 Rural Landscape...
Draft DCP Amendment 26 - LGMS Actions – Part 1
We invited the community to make a submission from 2 August to 13 October 2023 on the draft DCP amendment. To align Coffs Harbour DCP 2015 with endorsed actions in...
Planning together - better disaster recovery
Disaster recovery is challenging for everyone. Having a plan in place before disaster strikes helps make recovery quicker and smoother.
We are preparing a Local Pre-Event Recovery Plan, and encourage...
Korora Lagoons Remediation Options
...Public exhibition closed: Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. We are currently reviewing feedback and will provide an update to everyone who made a submission in the coming months.
Coffs Coast Tourism Strategy 2023
We invited the community to make a submission on the draft Strategy from 28 August to 29 September 2023.
This Strategy was endorsed by Council at its 23 November 2023
... -
Draft Affordable Housing Strategy
Consultation closed: thanks to everyone who provided feedback.
The Affordable Housing Strategy was adopted by Council on 13 June 2024. City of Coffs Harbour has now commenced implementation of the... -
Alcohol Restricted Zones Review
We invite the community to make a submission from Wednesday 6 September to Friday 13 October on the Alcohol Free Zones (AFZs).
Read below to learn about where the restricted... -
Community Donations and Grant Funding Program - Draft documents
Closed: The Draft Policy and Guidelines was on public exhibition from Monday 18 December 2023 and closed on Sunday 28 January 2024.
The C
ity of Coffs Harbour supports the...
Laneways Framework
Consultation closed: At the Council meeting 13 June 2024 the Laneways Framework was adopted.
Public Exhibition period was held from 12 February to 24 March 2024.A Laneways Framework for
... -
Library outreach and service delivery
Libraries are places to unwind, be entertained, learn something new or find your next great read or online resource.
We are just beginning a conversation about all things library. We...
Water Supply Development Servicing Plan
Public Exhibition closed.
Thank you to everyone who made a submission.
Submissions will be reviewed and feedback will be reported to Council which will decide whether to endorse the updated... -
Draft 2022-26 Delivery Program (Year 3) and 2024/25 Draft Operational Plan
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the draft 2022-26 Delivery Program 2022-26 Delivery Program (Year 3) and draft 2024/25 Operational Plan and Budget.
Are we on the right...
Jetty Theater - Kiosk Customer Survey
Jetty Theater - Kiosk Customer Satisfaction Survey
Your feedback matters! We strive for excellence in every aspect of your Jetty Memorial Theatre experience and your valuable feedback helps us enhance...
Draft Coffs Harbour Local Strategic Planning Statement
The community engagement period for this project has now concluded. The results of the exhibition, and the final draft document will be presented to Council in due course. Submitters will...
Draft Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Management Plan
Public Exhibition closed: Thank you to everyone who made a submission and attending our information sessions.
Feedback received from the community is an important part of the preparation of the...
Remote Rescue Tubes
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on our survey.
Have your seen rescue tubes on our beaches? Watch the short video to learn about rescue tubesProject overview
Passenger survey - Free Bus Trial Coffs Harbour
The City of Coffs Harbour, Busways and Forest Coach Lines have conducted a free bus trial on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from Friday 19 April to Sunday 14 July 2024....
Draft Arrawarra Creek, Pipe Clay Lake and Corindi River Coastal Management Program
Public Exhibition closed: Thank you to everyone who made a submission.
The City of Coffs Harbour (the City) invites feedback on the draft Coastal Management Program (CMP) for the estuaries...
Planning Proposal - 35 Saye Close Sandy Beach
The City of Coffs Harbour is seeking community feedback on a planning proposal to reduce the minimum lot size at No. 35 Saye Close, Sandy Beach.
The proposal will enable...
Planning Proposal - 198 Ayrshire Park Drive Boambee
The City of Coffs Harbour is seeking community feedback on a planning proposal to reduce the minimum lot size at No. 198 Ayrshire Park Drive, Boambee.
The proposal will enable...
Coffs Harbour Local Strategic Planning Statement 2020
Closed: Public exhibition closed 15 August.
Update to the Coffs Harbour Local Strategic Planning Statement 2020
The Coffs Harbour Local Strategic Planning Statement was adopted by Council in 2020 and...
Coffs Harbour Development Control Plan 2015 Amendment No. 39 South Coffs and Contributions Plan
The City's Development Control Plan (Coffs Harbour DCP 2015) contains guidance for the design and assessment of development.
The City regularly reviews and updates its DCP to ensure that it...
Pools Active Membership Fee Increase
The City of Coffs Harbour offers various ways to access its swimming pools, including casual entry, multi-visit passes, and different membership options.
The Pools Active Membership program gives you unlimited...
Planning Proposal - 218 Eastbank Road Coramba
Public Exhibition has concluded
Consultation closed: thank you to everyone who provided feedback.
The City is seeking community feedback on a planning proposal to rezone land at 218 East Bank...
Planning Proposal - 37 Campbell Close, Korora
Consultation has concluded.
The City is seeking community feedback on a planning proposal to reduce the minimum lot size at No. 37 Campbell Close, Korora.
The proposal will enable a...
Planning Proposal - 19 Smiths Road, Emerald Beach
Consultation has concluded.
The City is seeking community feedback on a planning proposal to reduce the minimum lot size at No. 19 Smiths Road, Emerald Beach.
The proposal will enable...
Planning Proposal - 191 Ayrshire Park Drive, Boambee
Consultation has concluded.
The City is seeking community feedback on a planning proposal to reduce the minimum lot size at No. 191 Ayrshire Park Drive, Boambee.
The proposal will enable...
Waterwise survey
Take the Waterwise Survey for National Water Week!
Want to test your knowledge of Coffs Harbours water supply while reflecting on how you think about and use water in your...
Waste Resource & Recovery Strategy - Staff Survey
Hi everyone,
Thank you for attending the Waste Resource and Recovery Strategy workshop.
Ratio consulting has prepared draft vision statements and guiding principles, this has been informed by the Options...
City of Coffs Harbour Code of Meeting Practice
The City of Coffs Harbour has prepared a draft Code of Meeting Practice consistent with the Model Code of Meeting Practice for Local Councils in NSW.
In accordance with s361...